

DAY 7 OF 7

Everyone is indestructible

I had two reasons for doing this study on indestructible.

The first is so you would play the game of life knowing you totally indestructible. Your past can’t destroy you, and nothing in your present will outlast you.

Secondly, I really feel we as Christians need to be reminded of our primary task on earth.

Our primary purpose is to go forth and make disciples. (Matthew 28:19)

I am flabbergasted by how many, and I mean a significant amount of Christians, have not discipled one person over the decades of being saved. You see, every soul is indestructible. Every soul is eternal and will abide eternally in hell or in heaven. Every person you pass is headed down one road or another. Our job is to ask if they know there is a road to eternal life with Christ so they can change their eternal destiny by place their faith in Christ.

I was saved in the early 80s. My church taught evangelism and had teams that went out, made phone calls, talked to people about Christ at fairs, shopping malls, at parks and more. However, rarely now does a church train its members how to witness to others. Rarely are there evangelical teams. We now let the “professionals” do it on Sunday, but even now, some churches no longer do alter calls or requests for salvation. 

Every soul needs to hear the Gospel. You have souls close by that need you not to be self-conscious or afraid of what they might think. We need to let them know they will live eternally and they have a choice to make.

I believe God wants to send a huge revival, but revivals always have individuals sharing the Gospel. We all can share that Jesus died for our sins, rose from the dead, and is coming back again. If you need training, seek it out. 

Being indestructible is a gift. The purpose of the gift is to lead others to Christ so their eternity is with the Father. Two questions as I end this series:

Is there anyone you need to share Christ with, who is definitely lost and that is close enough to you to tell them?

If yes, make a goal to discuss. 

If you’ve been holding back playing life, like you’re fragile, what can you do now or be free from now that you know you’re indestructible?

My hope is that as you discover that you are indestructible you will fully embrace your calling and destiny in Christ, and that others, because of you, discover they are, too, are truly indestructible.


 If you’d like a visual presentation about being indestructible to watch for yourself or share with a friend, click here

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About this Plan


This plan gives you a foundational understanding about your innate design as God’s child. Addiction, betrayal, abuse, or neglect can all cause trials in our lives that can trigger feelings of worthlessness and defeat. God’s Word reveals that your soul is not capable of being destroyed. Once you recognize and embrace your indestructible nature, you can change how you think, feel, and believe about your past, present, and future.
