

DAY 3 OF 7

Purpose First

One of the most amazing characteristics of our Father is how He preemptively thinks before He creates. In the case of Adam’s creation, and before your creation, there was a purpose or a reason for him and you to be created.

You see, before Adam was created, there was a problem on planet Earth that needed to be solved. Genesis 2 says, “There was no one to work the ground.”

God created Adam to be a solution. God wanted His son to work the ground and to nurture the garden he was being planted into. It’s important to note that Adam’s purpose existed prior to being created. Adam needed opposable thumbs, strength, creativity, and a unique mind. God created Adam with a solution in mind – he was to provide order to the Earth. 

I want you to pause a moment and think of all the possible combinations God could have chosen from your gene pool. He specifically created you for a purpose, to be a solution to the Earth in some way. Your personality and gifts are no accident; they were precisely chosen for your assignment. 

Now combine that with a fierce faith in your indestructible nature, you can fulfill whatever your assignment is. Imagine if you knew you were indestructible, that nothing on this planet could destroy you. Would you think differently? Would you take more risk? Would you work differently? Would your outlook on how to live change? Would you live – I mean really live, not just survive? Of course, you would because you can!

Your purpose is from God. Seek Him for that. Once you know your purpose, live hard so you can hear, “Well done good and faithful servant.” 

Zuva 2Zuva 4

About this Plan


This plan gives you a foundational understanding about your innate design as God’s child. Addiction, betrayal, abuse, or neglect can all cause trials in our lives that can trigger feelings of worthlessness and defeat. God’s Word reveals that your soul is not capable of being destroyed. Once you recognize and embrace your indestructible nature, you can change how you think, feel, and believe about your past, present, and future.
