Becoming the True Disciple of ChristChikamu

Becoming the True Disciple of Christ

DAY 4 OF 4



Presents or rewards are a gift to people for their accomplishments, virtues, or their labor. Rewards are sometimes given as a sign of our love for someone. And surely the person who gets the reward will feel very happy. Why? It is an appreciation or a tribute for the hard work done.

An athlete sometimes cries when the medal is wrapped around his neck, it's a cry of happiness, not because of the medal but because he remembers that the efforts, the hard works, and the struggles put in during practices are not in vain.

Once there was an Indonesian swimmer who won the ASEAN Games gold medal interviewed by a TV station. The question asked was whether he ever felt bored and wanted to quit? The athlete replied yes, once. One time he saw a group of teenagers played in the mall happily, while he had to get into the water to practice and to keep on improving the time or speed record. He felt that it would really be good if he could play games. But then the parents who are also his mentors encouraged and strengthen their son's heart, and he stayed focused on his practice. And the result was not in vain. He made the flag of the nation waving in the air and the national anthem echoed during the ASEAN Games. He said that such joy could not be paid with anything.

What an athlete needs are their strong commitment during training and striving. Likewise for us, as a disciple of Christ, we must have a commitment in following Jesus, so that we may become a deeply rooted disciple of Christ, who grow and bear much fruit for the Kingdom of God.


Brothers and sisters, if we see an athlete or anyone with achievements and rewards, that everything they strive for is to get a mortal crown. What about us, as a disciple of Christ, what do we get as a result of striving in commitment and faithfulness?

1. We Receive Eternal Life - John 3:16, Matthew 19:29

All of us agree that Lord Jesus is not of this earth or of this world, because He came from heaven down to earth to serve and He has ascended to heaven to provide us with an eternal place. Our life in this world is like a journey that will get to a destination. We need to keep reminding ourselves that our final destination is the eternal life that God has provided us, His disciples. So our life, while we are here, in this world, is an opportunity to bring people to become believers of Christ and to receive the promise of eternal life together with us.

2. The Disciple of Christ Will Have a Victorious Life - Romans 8:28

God is at work means that God is in us and is doing His will for our lives. That is why as His disciples, we must be willing to submit and obey what He commanded us. If we ever say it's hard to do God's commands, it can be hard if we doubt His power. But if we believe and surrender to God then His power will enable us to do His commands.

It is like suffering, God says in John 16:21 just like a woman in labor of childbirth, she suffers pain but as soon as she has given birth to the child then the unspeakable joy will be experienced by the woman.

As a disciple of Christ we need not fear the challenges of this world, for God Himself is in us, He leads us and helps us to be strong and victorious.

3. The disciple of Christ receives divine revelation, a special blessing from our Father in heaven - Mark 4:34

God loves all men and is just to all men. But there is a special blessing that God gives to special people. Who are they? They are disciples of Christ. What special blessings does the Lord give to His disciples? God reveals the secret of His mind, His idea, His plan; God gives His wisdom to His disciple. God's promise as found in Malachi 3:18, God makes us different from most people, to be superior among many people. Read 1 Corinthians 1: 26-29. God gives His wisdom to us His disciples, so that although we are ordinary people but can do extraordinary things because God gives us the wisdom of heavenly secrets.

4. The Disciple of Christ Gets the Greatest Blessings - John 15:4, 7

What is the greatest blessing you have after receiving salvation? No treasure can match the Lord Jesus Christ, for He is the priceless treasure in our lives. Outside of Christ, we are nothing. Christ is our mediator with the Father in heaven, and in His Name, our prayer reaches God the Father in heaven.


Are you a disciple of Christ? Is Jesus Christ the most important in your life?


Our Father in Heaven is looking for faithful people, and that faithfulness is proven when we follow Jesus in all circumstances.

Let us not be lagging in diligence but let us be fervent in spirit, serving the Lord, just like an athlete who remained focus in practice despite the many temptations but he keeps his eye on the achievement.

Hebrews 10:35 says: Therefore, do not throw away your confidence, which has a great reward.

Zuva 3

About this Plan

Becoming the True Disciple of Christ

This plan will give the understanding of the characteristic of the disciples of Christ, and on how we can become a true disciple of Christ.
