Becoming the True Disciple of ChristChikamu

Becoming the True Disciple of Christ

DAY 1 OF 4



The word “disciple” for the followers of Jesus Christ that is found in the Bible is different from the word “disciple” that we used to hear in a school or a public education institution. What is the difference?

The students in school meet their teachers to study certain subjects. Their relationship is limited to thetransfer of knowledge between the teachers and the students. In the Bible, Jesus’ disciples imitated the life of Jesus and gave their lives to be led by Him. Therefore, the relationship between the disciples of Christ and their master, Jesus Christ, is a relationship of heart.

A relationship of heart means a relationship where Jesus’ disciples followed Jesus by loving Him more than anything else in the world and entrusting their lives to Jesus.

Many people confess that they are believers, however, how many of them become the disciples of Christ? Who witnessed Jesus’ ascension to heaven? The disciples. When the angel of the Lord appeared before the disciples, the angel told them that Jesus who ascended to heaven would return for the second time and reign on earth. Who would welcome His second coming? His disciples.

Being Christian means being the follower or the disciple of Christ. Have we been the disciples of Jesus? Today we are going to learn how to be Jesus’ true disciples. 


How could we become Jesus’ true disciples?

1. Live in the Word of God (John 8:31)

The Word of God is God’s own word. If we are His followers, we must do what He says. We can only hear what He says through Bible reading.

Every part of the Word of God that we read, meditate, think, or even record is the thing that must be done by us. Holy Spirit is going to work in us when He sees that we have the Word of God. In other words, when we live in the Word of God, we are activating the Spirit of God in us, because doing the Word of God is the proof that we are led by the Holy Spirit. 

In John 4:34, Jesus said that “My food is to do the will of him who sent me and to finish his work.”

If Jesus did the will of the Father when He was still on earth, as the true disciples of Jesus, we have to be the doers of His Words too. 

2. Bear fruits (John 15:8)

What is God looking for from our lives as believers? The Lord does not see our riches, achievements, position in the church, the greatness of our ministry, or any other measurements that are set by men. All of these are good if these things are given by God to us. However, God is looking for fruits in our lives. We could only have fruitful lives if we are attached to the Lord. A true Jesus’ disciple is someone who does not want to be far from Lord Jesus.

It is said that Lord Jesus is the vine and we are the branches. The branches have to remain in the vine in order to bear fruits. Outside the Lord, we could not bear fruits. 

What fruits are we going to produce when our life is attached to Lord Jesus? The fruits of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23), the fruit of repentance (Matius 3:8) where we put on new mind, the fruit of thanksgiving (Hebrews 13:15) which is about the sacrifice of praise, especially in the midst of bad situation (Jesus’ disciples would not complain when they face this kind of situation), the fruit of souls (Acts 1:8) because when we are close to God, we will be filled with the Spirit of God that will encourage us to be Jesus’ witnesses and win many souls for Him.

If we are truly Jesus’ disciples, we will come closer to the Lord through prayer, worship, and Bible reading. 

3. Serve others (Matthew 20:26-28)

As Christ’s true disciples, we have to live as Christ lived in the world. Christ came to the world to serve and not to be served. Just as Christ came to serve, we, as His disciples, have to serve too.

All of us are given abilities or talents to work and get income. However, these abilities could also be used to serve God in church or in other God’s ministries.

The Lord is not looking for smart or great people. The Lord is looking for those who want to be used as His instruments. Peter, one of Jesus’ disciples, was just an ordinary fisherman. However, after he’s been with Jesus, he could do extraordinary things. Do not wait or delay God’s call. Let all of us be what is said in Isaiah 6:8 “Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?” And I said, “Here am I. Send me!”


- Christianity is talking about a journey of growth, from a spiritual baby to an adult. Discipleship is one method to make someone to be spiritually mature. Be a faithful Christ’s disciple by joining cell group meetings. If you do so, you will be rooted, grow and win the souls.

- Ask your cell group members who have been involved in the ministry to give testimony about their experiences and the benefits to serve the Lord. For those who are not involved in any ministry yet, let them have a discussion with your cell group leader about what ministry they could consider joining. Everything is for the glory of the Lord. Amen. 


Zuva 2

About this Plan

Becoming the True Disciple of Christ

This plan will give the understanding of the characteristic of the disciples of Christ, and on how we can become a true disciple of Christ.
