Invite Jesus to Heal Your Negative MindsetChikamu

Invite Jesus to Heal Your Negative Mindset

DAY 5 OF 7

No need to stress: God is in control

The American Medical Association has stated that stress causes 60% of human illness. It causes chaotic heart rhythms, blood circulation problems, digestive disorders, and chronic pain. It is a major contributor to cancer and diabetes—two of our biggest killers. So how can we ask Jesus to help?  

Let’s look at three ways:

  1. Realize that God is in control of everything, no matter how small: “even the hairs on your head are numbered.” Everything happens for a reason, even if we don’t see that reason. It is a tremendous relief to see that God does not expect us to solve all the world’s problems by imposing our will: but we can always help matters by seeking his will. Let us pray in all situations: “Thy will be done.”
  2. God is the master teacher: whatever is happening to you right now is the precise lesson you need. Don’t think: “I’ll get this stuff out of the way; then later I will say my prayers.”  Think: “Lord, what is the lesson here? Please stay close to me, and everything will resolve.” If everyone around you is rushing around panicking, be still, like the eye of the hurricane. Remember Jesus’ words to the man who would follow him: “let the dead bury their dead, but you go and proclaim the kingdom of God.”  Meaning: let those who are spiritually dead go about their business, but you stay close to God. When we remain calm, we give witness to our trust in God.
  3. See every “problem” as an opportunity to come closer to God. God does not allow us to have problems in order to punish us, but so that we might turn to him for help. Our problems can take us away from God if we let them. But they can also take us towards him. 

The more we learn to trust in Jesus, the less we need to stress.

Zuva 4Zuva 6

About this Plan

Invite Jesus to Heal Your Negative Mindset

Sometimes it can feel like we are drowning in negativity. The world around us, and our own minds, can seem dominated by fear, anger, and depression. But what if we could harness that negativity, and use it to bring us closer to God? We will show how God can turn our problems into solutions. He gives us the very lesson we need each day, if we are open to Him.
