Invite Jesus to Heal Your Negative MindsetChikamu

Invite Jesus to Heal Your Negative Mindset

DAY 1 OF 7

We are made in the image of God

I am going to show you how the Word of God can heal our negative emotions and transform our minds.

Right at the start of the Bible, in the Book of Genesis, God says:

“Let us make man in our own image, in our likeness.”

Take a moment to reflect on this powerful insight: we are actually made in the image of God. How can we understand this?

The second century Christian writer Justyn Martyr explained it like this: God has planted a divine spark in each human heart, which allows us to connect with God. As Peter puts it: we are called to be “partakers of the Divine Nature.”

So if this is true, why is the world such a mess? Why do humans behave so badly to each other? 

Because we have turned our back on God, rather than putting him at the center of our lives.

Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit, thinking they could become wise apart from God. This explains the human problem in a nutshell: we think we can achieve our goals by our own efforts. We forget God and try to do it all by ourselves.  It is no wonder we have so many problems!

But do not worry. If we only turn to face God, he is ready to receive us in divine love. Christ explained this by the parable of the prodigal son: we are the prodigal children who choose to live apart from our heavenly Father. Just as the prodigal son in the story squanders his wealth, we don’t use the spiritual wealth God has given us. Just as the son earns a living by feeding the pigs, we are wrapped up in the affairs of this world, and in our coarser emotions, instead of staying close to God.

But God is waiting patiently for us. We only have to turn around and face him, and he will come running towards us with open arms. He has prepared a rich banquet for us—his love—which we are called to share for eternity.

So come with me on this exciting and wonderful journey towards God. See how we can begin to transform our minds, simply by learning to place Jesus at the center of our lives.

Zuva 2

About this Plan

Invite Jesus to Heal Your Negative Mindset

Sometimes it can feel like we are drowning in negativity. The world around us, and our own minds, can seem dominated by fear, anger, and depression. But what if we could harness that negativity, and use it to bring us closer to God? We will show how God can turn our problems into solutions. He gives us the very lesson we need each day, if we are open to Him.
