A Broken RecordChikamu

A Broken Record

DAY 3 OF 3

Christ's Record

In this last devotion of the Strong at the Broken Places series, we will take a look at Christ’s broken record. However, His record is one that was intentionally broken for you and for me. We will first take a look at His record from prophecy, what the Prophets said about Him and what He would do. Then we will take a look at His actual record – what He actually did because actions speak louder than words. Finally, we will look at His broken record on behalf of our broken records.

The historian, Luke, writes that Jesus was handed the book of Isaiah and he began to read from it. Listen to what the prophet says the Messiah will do. He will preach the gospel to the poor, heal the brokenhearted, proclaim liberty to the captives, recover sight to the blind, and set the oppressed free. A pretty impressive record of accomplishments. Matthew then records what Jesus actually did. He made the blind see, the lame walk, cleansed the lepers, made the deaf hear, raised the dead, and preached the gospel to the poor. He actually did what He said he would do. He walked the talk! Christ’s record reflects exactly what the Messiah was prophesied to come and do. A very impressive record indeed. 

But none of this means anything until we see and understand His broken record – His death on the cross. Because it is here that He was broken for our brokenness. David’s Psalm records, hundreds of years before crucifixion was even invented, Christ’s breaking. He describes it this way – poured out like water, all of the bones out of joint, heart like wax melted within, strength dried up, the tongue clinging to the jaws, hands and feet pierced, surrounded by wickedness, and all that He owned taken away – all incredibly accurate descriptions of the excruciating death Christ suffered… for you and for me. 

For you see, Christ became broken to heal your brokenness, and His broken record is one that has stood the test of time. By simple trust in His work on the cross you can have your brokenness healed, your sins forgiven, and a place in eternity with Him guaranteed. You are broken no more and are made strong in your broken places because of Jesus Christ. Hallelujah!

For more Strong at the Broken Places resources – podcasts and downloadable Study Guide – visit gsot.edu/strong. The Grace Center for Spiritual Development at Grace School of Theology provides non-degree studies, live online bible study opportunities, and resources like this devotional.
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About this Plan

A Broken Record

Does your past haunt you with guilt and a broken spirit? Is your life like a broken record—one in which your past is replayed over and over again? In this final message we will learn how the records of our past lives can break us and bring us to our knees. The beauty of this is that Christ had a broken record as well. In fact, He was broken to save and heal our brokenness.
