The World Needs Healing - Disciple Makers Series #10Vzorec

Leaving God's Presence with Confidence
This woman deserves our thoughts today. The religious man wanted Jesus to come and heal his daughter. This woman did not need Jesus to even talk to her – she just wanted to touch His coat. With that touch she believed she would be healed. She was healed.
Too often we struggle in our faith. When we pray, we come into His presence and there we give God our burdens. Why do we pick them back up on the way out of His presence? Why do we feel God has to come to our workplace to fix things, to our homes and meet our needs, to our problems and remove them? It is because our faith is weak. Faith is taking His promises that He gives to us in His presence – and walking out knowing that He will keep every promise. It is touching His garment – and knowing God has heard and will answer our prayers.
Let’s come into His presence. Let’s hear the promises from His Word. Let’s leave with the faith of this woman.
Time to Pray
Father, today I want to take time in Your presence and just hear You speak. I want Your Word to wash over me and saturate my mind and thoughts. I want to hear You speak the promises spoken from Your mouth. What more could I ask for? Your words are life. I want Your life in abundance today. Forgive me when I have left Your presence in the past – and picked up my burdens on the way out. I choose today to leave only with the promises You speak. In Jesus’ name I pray Amen.
Sveto pismo
About this Plan

Matthew writes to God’s people and walks them on a journey that will take them from where they are to be Disciple Makers. This is the tenth of 27 devotional plans walking us through the book of Matthew. Jesus shows His disciples how to reach out to a broken world – their world. Then He sends them out to touch it with the Kingdom truths they have learned.
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