Your Brain on Porn – Break Free From a Lust and Porn AddictionVzorec

Day 2: BRACE – A Tool to Renew Your Mind
Because of the addicted brain, breaking free from porn addiction requires more than just willpower.
During the tempting moment, we need a spiritual practice that doesn't just suppress feelings or desires but actively retrains our brain to choose something better.
That’s where the BRACE tool comes in. BRACE is designed to help you renew your mind, as Romans 12:2 encourages. BRACE helps you build a new neurological pathway that leads to lasting transformation.
Instead of repressing temptation, BRACE equips you to replace old habits that lead to sin with new steps on a healthier path leading to God-honoring choices. This tool is grounded in both brain science and biblical principles, making it a powerful ally in your journey to freedom.
Today's Action:
Watch the video below to gain an understanding of what BRACE is and why it is effective:
After watching the video, meditate on Romans 12:2:
"Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.”
Questions & Reflection:
- What part of the acronym "BRACE" stood out to you?
- What does this statement mean: "Repetition got you into this addiction, and repetition will help you get out"? How should this reality impact your use of BRACE?
- According to Romans 12:2, what is God's plan to transform us? How does this video and BRACE add to your understanding of renewing your mind?
Over the next five days, we will explore each aspect of BRACE in greater depth, hoping that a deeper understanding will result in more consistent practice and, ultimately, lasting freedom.
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About this Plan

Porn has rewired your brain in such a way that it has locked you into bondage. For true and lasting freedom, your mind must be renewed. This short, 7-day journey will help you: - Learn the neuroscience of how porn takes over your brain and fuels addiction. - Discover the scientific and biblical insights that reveal the damage caused by lust. - Learn how to apply Romans 12:2 with the powerful BRACE tool practically.