Your Brain on Porn – Break Free From a Lust and Porn AddictionVzorec

Your Brain on Porn – Break Free From a Lust and Porn Addiction

DAY 1 OF 7

Day 1: The Addicted Brain


Pornography doesn’t just affect your actions—it impacts your brain in profound ways.

Science shows us that viewing porn triggers the release of chemicals like dopamine, which can reinforce addictive behaviors over time.

This means the more you engage in this habit, the more your brain gets rewired to crave it. Porn traps you in a cycle that feels impossible to break.

But here's the good news:

By understanding the addicted brain, you'll understand why temptation feels so overwhelming and why overcoming it requires more than just willpower—it requires a renewed mind.

Today’s Action:

Watch the video below to understand how your brain works in the cycle of addiction.

After watching the video, meditate on Galatians 6:7-8:

"Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows. Whoever sows to please their flesh, from the flesh will reap destruction; whoever sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life."

Questions & Reflection:

Take 5 minutes to reflect on these questions:

  1. After reading Galatians 6:7-8, how is the addicted brain an example of the corruption resulting from sowing to the flesh?
  2. How does understanding the addicted brain help you understand what is happening when you are tempted to act out sexually?
  3. What is the balance between a person taking responsibility for their sin while at the same time recognizing the significance of an addicted brain in keeping them in bondage?

Tomorrow, we’ll explore a powerful tool that not only helps you avoid temptation but also enables you to build a new brain pathway.

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About this Plan

Your Brain on Porn – Break Free From a Lust and Porn Addiction

Porn has rewired your brain in such a way that it has locked you into bondage. For true and lasting freedom, your mind must be renewed. This short, 7-day journey will help you: - Learn the neuroscience of how porn takes over your brain and fuels addiction. - Discover the scientific and biblical insights that reveal the damage caused by lust. - Learn how to apply Romans 12:2 with the powerful BRACE tool practically.
