Let There Be LightVzorec

Let There Be Light

DAY 10 OF 21

Day 10 – Asekho Motabene

(Calvary East London)

John Chapter 10

Title: Our Good Shepherd

Scripture: John 10:14-15
“I am the good shepherd; I know my sheep and my sheep know me— just as the Father knows me and I know the Father—and I lay down my life for the sheep.”


The Bible presents Jesus in many ways. We know him as the Son of God (John 3:16), the Lamb of God (John 1:35), the Word (John 1:1), the Commander of the Armies of God (Joshua 5:14), the Healer & Preacher (Matthew 9:35), the Great High Priest (Hebrews 4:14), and so many other titles.

In John 10, Jesus reveals yet another dimension of his nature when he introduces himself as the “Good Shepherd.” He particularly draws our attention to how he leads the sheep (the church) and how the church responds to him. He gives us a couple of insights into how Jesus’ relationship with the Church ought to function.

Firstly, Jesus says the sheep know him “…and my own know me, just as the Father knows me, and I know the Father.” (v14) The knowledge Jesus speaks of is not of a person who knows about him but that of one who personally knows him as his Lord & Saviour and walks with him. For me, knowing him became an answer to so many areas of my life, including my identity.

Secondly, the sheep are attentive to his voice: Both verses 8 & 16 tell us that the sheep know Jesus’ voice and are attentive to it. Verse 8 also says that because the sheep know his voice – they’re not easily confused by other voices. Knowing how Jesus speaks is crucial to being able to silence other daily noises. Jesus speaks in so many ways all the time. He speaks through the Word (the Bible), through prayer, being attentive to the Holy Spirit, and through the preaching & teaching of His Word. One of the simplest ways of hearing Jesus speak is by studying the Word. When I study God’s Word, I find his voice comes alive almost immediately.

Thirdly, Jesus knows the sheep by name and goes before them. Verse 3 is one of my favourite verses from this chapter. Isn’t it lovely to know that God himself knows you by name? Often, when life throws curve balls at me, I’m comforted knowing that God knows me by name. I can actually call on him and say, “God, it’s me!” Not only does he know me, but he goes before me. Therefore, whatever I encounter today is already known and okayed by Jesus. So I can be confident to overcome and be victorious.


When we encounter life’s ups and downs, Jesus's titles become personal to us. We can draw near him with confidence because he has revealed to us the different aspects of his nature. Reflect on how you can approach Jesus today—as Lord, friend, commander, high priest, or shepherd. Ask him to reveal himself to you afresh today.

Dear Jesus, thank you for being my Good Shepherd; you know very well that I need you to shepherd me. Help me know you and your resurrection's power over my life. Help me be attentive to your voice only. Help me remember that you know me by name and go before me. Amen.

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About this Plan

Let There Be Light

At the beginning of Genesis 1, God spoke the word, “Let there be light,” and it overcame darkness. In Jesus, God sent the Word, Jesus, and He overcame the darkness helping us see God’s good plan for our lives. By reading one chapter from John’s gospel each day, with the accompanying devotion, you’ll see God’s nature in Jesus, God’s work through Jesus, and God’s plan for all to know Jesus.
