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7 Prayers for Your NationSample

7 Prayers for Your Nation

DAY 7 OF 7

Day 7: Restoration and Revival

In Joel 2:12-32, we read the heartfelt cry of God Himself as He implores us to return to Himself with all our hearts, so He can heal and restore our nation and pour out His Spirit. And if there is anything we need in our nations today, it is definitely healing, repentance, restoration, and the outpouring of the Holy Spirit.

If you desire for the Lord to bring healing, repentance, restoration, and to pour out His Spirit, pray along these lines today:     

  • Pray for everyone in your nation and around the world to turn to God with all our hearts with fasting, with weeping, and with mourning.     
  • Pray that we would return to the Lord our God.     
  • Pray that the Lord would pour out His goodness upon your country, for it is His goodness that leads people to repentance (Romans 2:4).    
  • Pray that the Lord would spare your nation from judgment—even from any judgment it rightly deserves.     
  • Ask Him to protect your people, borders, ports, cities, countryside, roads and bridges, logistics, and airspace.     
  • Ask Him to protect your governmental institutions that are righteous and just, but to deliver you from any unrighteous governmental institutions, reaches, or efforts.     
  • Ask Him to personally defend the legal structures of your nation that preserve freedom. If your nation is not yet free, ask Him to institute and set up such legal structures in order to bring freedom.
  • If you live in a sovereign nation, pray that the Lord would protect your country's identity as a sovereign nation.     
  • Pray that He would protect your elections and every godly form of government.     
  • Pray for Him to send a nationwide revival that far exceeds even the revivals of past years, such as the Jesus People movement, the Cane Ridge Revival, the Azusa Street Revival, the Welsh Revival, the Hebrides Revival, the Healing Revivals, and more.     
  • Pray for the outpouring of the former rain and the latter rain together.     
  • Ask Him to pour out His Spirit upon ALL FLESH.     
  • Pray that all sons and daughters would prophesy by His Spirit; that the elderly would dream dreams and young people would see visions.     
  • Pray that He would show us signs and wonders that lead us all to call on the name of the Lord and be saved.

And if you don't have words to pray, cry out to the Lord from your spirit as follows:

"Dear Heavenly Father, I come to You in the mighty and matchless name of Jesus Christ our Savior.

Abba Father, thank You for protecting and preserving our nation. Thank You for keeping her all these years, and thank You for giving us the freedom to worship You freely here.

Father God, we praise You for Your strength, splendor, and greatness. We praise You for Your might, for You and only You are strong enough to draw this nation back to Yourself. And we praise You for Your goodness, for it is Your goodness that brings people to repentance.

Dear Father in Heaven, I ask today that You would pour out Your Spirit upon my nation.

I pray that You would pour out Your Spirit upon all flesh—even upon those who do not know You. I pray that the elderly would dream dreams and the young would see visions. I pray that You would show people visions and dreams of Jesus, and that there would be a mass charge of people running to the feet of the Risen Savior to receive salvation and forgiveness of sins.

Father God, I ask that we would return to You with all our hearts—and that, as we do so, You would spare my country from any judgment she rightly reserves. 

We have sinned against You in many ways, Lord, but I pray that You would show mercy to this nation:    

  • Spare us from Your judgment, even when we deserve Your judgment.     
  • Please protect our people, borders, ports, cities, countryside, roads and bridges, logistics, and airspace.     
  • Send angels to watch over us and keep this nation.     
  • Preserve us from any weapon that would rise against us.    
  • Utterly annihilate every attack that comes against our sovereignty, our founding documents, our freedoms, our God-given rights, and on our righteous government.    
  • Protect our elections, Father, and protect our people's representation and Your representation in government.

Father God, I ask in Jesus' name that You would send revival to my nation.

Restore our land, Father. Heal our nation. Send such a revival that Your end-time move eclipses even the earth-shaking revivals of the past, Lord. Send revival that reaches more people and transforms the nation more than Azusa Street; more than Cane Ridge; more than the Welsh Revival; more than the Hebrides Revival; more than the Healing Revivals; more than the First Great Awakening and the Second Great Awakening. 

O Lord, send revival. Let it begin in me. Let it begin with my prayer today, but let it spread like wildfire. Raise up agents of revival, Father, and let me be one of them. Raise up every believer in Christ to bear witness for the King everywhere we go.

O Father, pour out Your Spirit upon all flesh. Let the earth—and my nation—be filled with the glory of the Lord as the waters cover the sea. Show us signs and wonders, Father, and let all people everywhere call on the name of the Lord and be saved, for it is not Your will that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.

Thank You, Abba Father. In Jesus' holy and precious name I pray, amen."

Friend, your prayers matter. 

As you have been praying through these 7 Prayers for Your Nation, God has heard your prayers. He has been seeking for those who will stand in the gap before Him for the land, and YOU have been that one. Please consider repeating these prayers weekly, for God will continue to answer as we continue to pray.

Were these sample prayers for your nation helpful? If so, go even deeper in prayer by downloading Jamie's FREE ebook, Praying the Names of God: 555 Biblical Names of God and How to Use Them In Prayer and Worship, here! 


Dan 6

About this Plan

7 Prayers for Your Nation

7 Prayers for Your Nation: How to intercede for your nation by praying the Scriptures back to the Lord. Pray for the government, kings, and all who are in authority—including every citizen! Every person is called to be an intercessor, and your prayers can shape the history and future of your nation. As you pray for revival in your nation, God will hear and answer.
