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7 Prayers for Your NationSample

7 Prayers for Your Nation

DAY 6 OF 7

Day 6: Lord, Let Us Be a Sheep Nation

In Matthew 25: 31-36, we see a startling scene: Jesus is judging and separating entire nations, judging entire nations at once based on whether they are "sheep nations" or "goat nations."

According to our Lord's words in this passage, "sheep nations" are those nations who bless, protect, and care for Jesus' brothers and sisters. "Goat nations" are those who do not—and nobody wants to be a goat nation! "Goat nations" will be judged when Jesus returns, and that's not a good thing.

Many theologians interpret Matthew 25:31-36 to mean that Jesus is talking about His literal, biological relatives, the Jewish people. Others believe that this passage simply refers to any of Jesus' brothers and sisters, whether adopted into God's family through salvation (since He is the Firstborn among many brethren) or whether related to Jesus through His mother Mary's biological ancestry.

Either way, Matthew 25:31-36 definitely shows us that entire nations will be judged if we do not shelter and protect Jesus' brothers and sisters.

So either way—whether the passage refers to the Jewish people, whom we certainly should protect and bless according to Genesis 12:1-3), or whether it refers to the redeemed of the Lord—we need to pray that each of our nations would be "sheep nations." We do not want our nations to be thrown into everlasting fire.

Pray along these lines today:    

  • Pray that your nation would become a "sheep nation" that protects and shelters Jesus' brothers and sisters.    
  • Pray that we would protect and bless the children of Abraham, so that God can bless us and not curse us.    
  • Ask the Lord to convict the people of your nation to care for the poor; to shelter the homeless; to visit those in prison; to give food and drink to the hungry and thirsty; to take in strangers; to visit the sick; and to clothe the naked.    
  • Pray that the Lord would pour out His gift of mercy on His people, and on all the people of your nation.    
  • Pray that we would be merciful, as our Father in Heaven is also merciful (Luke 6:36).    
  • Pray that mercy would triumph over judgment in your country.    
  • Pray that your nation would be a safe place for the Gospel to be preached.    
  • Pray that your nation would protect and care for all of God's people.    
  • Ask the Lord to preserve our freedom to live Biblical truths, preach Biblical truths, and worship God together without interference.

If you don't have words today, pray this:

"Dear Father in Heaven,

Thank You for caring about this nation. Thank You for loving this nation and for preserving her all these years.

Abba Father, I praise You; for You are a righteous God, and You work all things out for the good of those who love You and are called according to Your purpose. This is a time of tribulation in my nation right now, Lord, but You see and You know what is going on, and You have a plan right now to help us. Even now, You are working these things out for our good.

Father, I lift up our nation to You today. I ask in Jesus' name that You would turn this country into a "sheep nation." Let us love and protect the biological children of Abraham. Let us also love and protect all of Your children who have been adopted into Your family by the blood of Jesus. I pray that You would cast down every ideology in this country that goes against Your ways and Your Word, and that You would turn this nation into a place where our freedom to worship You is protected and revered.

Father, pour out Your gift of mercy on us.

Have mercy on my nation, Lord, and change our hearts. Fill our hearts with Your own mercy toward others: 

  • I pray that cancel culture would be utterly and completely annihilated, and that You would teach us to be merciful, kind, tenderhearted, and loving instead. 
  • Teach us to walk in justice and mercy, but let Your mercy triumph over judgment. 
  • Teach us to judge with righteous judgment according to Your Word, and to love people and win them to You while we do.

Father God, I ask in Jesus' name that You would teach us to care for the poor again. Teach us to clothe the naked, shelter the homeless, feed the hungry and thirsty, and take in the strangers. Give us Your heart of compassion for others, Father; and help us to be Your hands and feet on the earth.

Lord, let Your righteous and merciful ways be clearly demonstrated in my country and my people again. Thank You, Abba Father. In Jesus' name I pray, amen."

Friend, we in every nation must shelter and protect all of Jesus' brothers and sisters: both the biological children of Abraham and the adopted siblings of the Firstborn among many brethren. Pray for your country to be a "sheep nation" in both capacities today!

We'll see you tomorrow for the last day of 7 Prayers for Your Nation!

Dan 5Dan 7

About this Plan

7 Prayers for Your Nation

7 Prayers for Your Nation: How to intercede for your nation by praying the Scriptures back to the Lord. Pray for the government, kings, and all who are in authority—including every citizen! Every person is called to be an intercessor, and your prayers can shape the history and future of your nation. As you pray for revival in your nation, God will hear and answer.
