Luke 24:49
New Testament in Braid Scots 1904 (William Wye Smith)
“And lo! I send oot the promise oʼ my Faither upon ye; but bide ye iʼ the citie, till ye be cleedit wiʼ pooer frae Aboon!”
Explore Luke 24:49
Luke 24:6
“He isna here! he raise! Mind‐ye‐na hoo ho spak to ye, whan he was still in Galilea?
Explore Luke 24:6
Luke 24:31-32
And their eʼen war unsteekit; and they kent him! and he disappearʼt frae them. And they said ane to the ither, “Did oor heart no lowe within us, while he was speakin to us on the way, and exponin to us the word!”
Explore Luke 24:31-32
Luke 24:46-47
And said to them, “Sae is it putten doon, and sae it behovʼd the Messiah to dee, and to rise frae the deid on the third day. “And that repentance and the pittin awa oʼ sins soud be proclaimed in his name till aʼ nations; beginnin at Jerusalem.
Explore Luke 24:46-47
Luke 24:2-3
And they faund the stane to be rowʼt awaʼ frae the tomb. And gaun in, they found‐na the body oʼ the Lord Jesus!
Explore Luke 24:2-3
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