Luke 23:34
New Testament in Braid Scots 1904 (William Wye Smith)
But Jesus was sayin, “Faither forgie them; for they see‐na what they are doin!” And, pairtin his cleedin, they cuist the lot.
Explore Luke 23:34
Luke 23:43
And Jesus says to him, “Truly say I tʼye, this day sal ye be wiʼ me in Paradise!”
Explore Luke 23:43
Luke 23:42
And he said, “Lord, hae mind oʼ me whan ye come intil yere Kingdom!”
Explore Luke 23:42
Luke 23:46
Anʼ cryinʼ wiʼ a lood voice, Jesus said, “Faither! intil thy hauns I commend my spirit!” And whan he had sae said, he deeʼt.
Explore Luke 23:46
Luke 23:33
And whan they cam to the place they caʼd “The Skull,” thar they crucifyʼt him; the ill‐doers as weel; ane, indeed, on his richt haun and the ither on the left.
Explore Luke 23:33
Luke 23:44-45
And it was aboot twal oʼclock; and a mirk cam ower aʼ the lanʼ till thrie oʼclock. And the sun was hid iʼ the mirk; and the curtain oʼ the Temple was rived iʼ the mids.
Explore Luke 23:44-45
Luke 23:47
And the Captain, seein aʼ that had come aboot, was giean God glorie, sayin, “In vera truth, this man was richtous!”
Explore Luke 23:47
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