Luke 16:10
New Testament in Braid Scots 1904 (William Wye Smith)
“Ane faithfuʼ and leal iʼ the least, is faithfuʼ in mickle!
Explore Luke 16:10
Luke 16:13
“Nae servant can be in service tae twa maisters; for aither the ane he hates, and the tither he loʼes; or to the ane he wull haud, and lichtlie the tither: ye canna be in service baith to God and Mammon!”
Explore Luke 16:13
Luke 16:11-12
“Gif, than, ye are‐na faithfuʼ in unrichtous gear, who wad gie intil yere keepin the true riches. “And gif ye be‐na faithfuʼ in what is anitherʼs, wha sal gie you yere ain?
Explore Luke 16:11-12
Luke 16:31
“But he said to him, ‘Gif to Moses and the Prophets they tak nae tent, naither wull they be perswadit eʼen by ane that raise frae the deid!’ ”
Explore Luke 16:31
Luke 16:18
“Ilka ane pittin awa his wife, and weddin anither, is committin adultery; and wha weds a wumman putten‐awa frae her husband, commits adultery.
Explore Luke 16:18
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