Luke 17:19
New Testament in Braid Scots 1904 (William Wye Smith)
And he said to him, “Rise! and gang yere ways; yere faith has savʼd ye!”
Explore Luke 17:19
Luke 17:4
“And gin aiblins he sins again ye seeven times in a day, and seeven times turns to ye, sayin, ‘I repent!’ ye sal forgie him!”
Explore Luke 17:4
Luke 17:15-16
And ane oʼ them, whan he saw he was healed, cam back, wiʼ a lood voice giean glorie to God. And he cuist his sel doon at his feet, giean thanks to him; and he was a Samaria man.
Explore Luke 17:15-16
Luke 17:3
“But tak ye tent to yersels! gin aiblins yere brither sins, rebuke him; and gin he repents, forgie him!
Explore Luke 17:3
Luke 17:17
But Jesus answerin, said, “Warna aʼ the ten men made clean? but whaur are the nine?
Explore Luke 17:17
Luke 17:6
And the Lord said, “Gin ye had faith eʼen as a grain oʼ the mustard seed, ye wad say to this sycamore, ‘Be ye liftit, and be plantit iʼ the deep!’ and it soud obey ye.
Explore Luke 17:6
Luke 17:33
“Whasae is fain to save his life sal tine it; and whasae sal tine his life sal hain it!
Explore Luke 17:33
Luke 17:1-2
And he said to his disciples, “It maun eʼen be that snares come; but wae for him throwe wham they come! “Weel for him raither, gin a mill‐stane war roond his neck, and he cuisten intil the sea, than that he soud ensnare ane oʼ their weans!
Explore Luke 17:1-2
Luke 17:26-27
“And eʼen as it cam aboot in Noahʼs days, sae sal it eʼen be iʼ the Son oʼ Manʼs days; “They war feastin, they war drinkin, they war marryin, they war gien in mairriage; till the day Noah gaed intil the ark, and the flude cam and destroyʼt aʼ.
Explore Luke 17:26-27
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