Collegiate Day of Prayer Global: 40-Day Prayer Guideනියැදිය

Day 19: Dreams of Revival
By Ruth Bethany (Ruth is a prayer catalyst for Cru.)
“In the last days, God says, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams.”
—Acts 2:17
I’ve read books about the outpouring of God’s Spirit in the Hebrides Islands and listened to podcasts dedicated to praying for revival. I’ve watched Instagram Reels of mass baptisms happening on various college campuses. Most recently, I’ve heard testimonies from those who were at Asbury University during the multiweek outpouring of prayer, holy tears of repentance, and continuous worship. Yet, I haven’t witnessed revival with my own eyes.
So why am I deeply burdened to pray for revival and invite you to pray with me today? In part, it’s due to a dream.
Four years ago, I had an incredibly vivid dream. In it, someone was showing me a map of my nation. As this person highlighted the map to me, they pointed out a “wave of revival” coming from the North moving down throughout the rest of the nation. While watching this “wave of revival” move southward, it suddenly stopped directly above the city where I live. I then began to weep in the dream and as I wept, I started repeatedly declaring, “God, You’re going to do it! You’re going to bring revival!”
In His mercy, God used this dream to awaken me to spiritual realities in motion: an outpouring of His Spirit has begun, but the outpouring isn’t complete. The dream not only provoked me to pray for revival in my nation, but to actually believe God is both able to bring revival and genuinely desires to do so. It became an open invitation from the Lord to pray into what He is doing and believe Him for what has yet to happen.
I share this dream with you now so that God, by His Spirit, may ignite within you this same burden to pray for the outpouring of His Spirit or to encourage you to keep praying for this outpouring! An outpouring not bound to my nation but for campuses all across the world!
I believe we are seeing “first fruit” signs of revival through all that is currently happening on the soil of universities. May these signs increase our faith and encourage us all the more to pray, believing we are at the precipice of an even greater outpouring of the Holy Spirit for the eternal glory of Jesus Christ!
- Jesus, we declare You are worthy of revival!
- Father, pour out Your Spirit, awakening us to Your desires and purposes.
- Jesus, ignite within us a persevering spirit to seek Your face as we trust You to bring revival throughout the whole world for Your glory!
About this Plan

Come join believers worldwide as we pray together for revival and spiritual awakening among college students. Leaders from around the world have contributed to this guide, giving you a tool for inspiration, understanding, and encouragement to fuel your prayers. Unite in prayer with believers from all over the nations for the 40 days leading up to the Collegiate Day of Prayer!