Matthew 1
Liber generationis iesu christi, filii dauid, filii abraham
1Her onginð matheus boc þas halga god spelleres. Soðliche#1.1 The standard OE spelling of this word soðlice followed mostly by this MS, but occasionally spelled soðliche as here. Similarly, ic (I) is sometimes spelled ichin this MS. These and other instances of non-standard spellings have not been corrected or noted in this edition, except when it appears there is a significant copying error. wel is to understanden þæt#1.1 The words “Her onginð ... understanden þæt” are found (in whole or in part) in some OE manuscripts only. æfter matheus gerechednysse her is on cneornysse boc. hælendes cristes dauiðes suna. abrahames suna. 2Soðlice abraham gestreonede ysaac. Ysaac gestrenode iacob. Iacob gestreonede iudam ⁊his gebroðre. 3Iudas gestrenede fares ⁊zaram of þam wife þe wæs genemned thamar. Fares gestreoned esrom. Esrom gestrenede aram. 4Aram gestreonode aminadab. Aminadab gestrenede naason. Naason gestreonede salmon. 5Salmon gestreonede booz of þam wife raab. Booz gestreonede obeeth of þam wife ruth. Obeth gestreonede iesse. 6Iesse gestreonede þanne kyng dauid. Dauid kyng gestreonede salomon of þam wife þe wæs urias wif. 7Salomon gestreonede roboam. Roboas gestreonede abia. Abia gestrenede asa. 8Asa gestreonede Iosaphat. Iosophat gestreonede ioram. Ioras gestreonede oziam. 9Ozias gestreonede ioatham. Ioatham gestreonede achaz. Achaz. gestreonede ezechiam. 10Ezechias gestreonede manassen. Manasses. gestreonede amon. Amon gestreonede ioram. Ioras gestreonede iosiam. 11Iosias gestreonede ieconiam ⁊his gebroðran on babilonis leordnysse. 12Ænd æfter babilonis geleordnysse. ieconias gestreonede salathiel. Salathiel. gestreonede zorobabel. 13Zorobabel gestreonede abiud. Abiud gestreonede eliachim. Eliachim gestreonede azor. 14Azor gestreonede sadoc. Sadoc gestreonede achim. Achim gestrenede eliud. 15Eliud gestreonede eleazar. Eleazar. gestreonede mathan. Mathan gestreonede Iacob. 16Iacob gestreonede Ioseph marie wer. of þare wæs akenned se hælend þe is genemned crist. 17Gernestlice ealle cneornyssa fram abrahame oððe dauid synd feowertene cneornyssa ⁊fram dauiðe oððe babilonis geleorednysse feortene cneornysse ⁊fram babilonis leorednysse. oð crist feortene cneornysse.
Cum esset desponsata mater iesu maria ioseph
18Soðlice þus wæs cristes cneores. Ða þas hælendes moder Marie wæs iosepe beweddeð. ær hyo tosomne coman hyo wæs gemet on innoðe hæbbende of þam halge gaste. 19Soðlice Ioseph hire wer. þa he wæs rihtwis ⁊nolde hyo mærsian. he wolde hye dygeliche forlæten. 20Him þa soðliche þas þing þenchendum. drihtnes ængel on swefnum ateowede ⁊hym to cwæð. Ioseph dauiðes suna. nyle þu ondræden. marian þine gemæcchen to onfonne. þæt on hyre gekenned ys. hyt is of þan halgen gaste. 21Witodliche hyo kenð sunu ⁊þu nemnest his name hælend. he soðlice his folc hal gedeð. fram heora synnen. 22Soðlice eall þis wæs geworðan. þæt gefylled wære þæt fram drihtne gecwæðen wæs. þurh þanne witegan. 23Soðlice. syo femne hæfð on innoþe ⁊hyo kend#1.23 Copying error for cenð. suna ⁊hyo nemneð hys name emmanuel. þæt ys gereht on ure þeode god mid us. 24Þa aras ioseph of swefne ⁊dyde swa drihtnes ængel him bebead ⁊he onfeng hys mæcchen. 25⁊he ne grette hye. Heo kende. hire frumkennede sune ⁊nemde his name hælend.
Matthew 1: ASxG

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The Four Gospels in AngloSaxon (Old English) were translated from Latin by Abbot Ælfric of Eynsham, probably some time within the period 990 – 1010.