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The Power of a United Family IdentityMostră

The Power of a United Family Identity

Ziua 2 din 6

Day 2: Discovering The Truth of Your Identity

Identity has nothing to do with what you have or what you can accomplish.

Many of us struggle to have both design and calling actively present in our everyday lives. It’s often we don’t actually have the full picture of who we are and why we were created. When we lack this kind of awareness or understanding of our identity, it’s without fail that we struggle to fulfill the calling that’s been partnered with it, because we are trying to fill an unresolved void with activities or achievements that only God can fill and provide relief to.

Likewise, as long as we allow past hurts to have a seat at our heart’s identity table, our calling can be placed at the head of the table leaving us to tirelessly work for our worth and value. Hurt distorts, and distortion deceives. Those who believe lies about who they are will find it challenging to live authentically, leaving them continuously driven by past hurt, and/or afraid of its recurrence.

An identity built on deception has the potential to alter and deform the calling created with it.

However, those who understand their identity at a core level make decisions and operate from a position of strength and confidence, not out of self-reliance, but through faith in God. Mistakes or unforeseen circumstances eventually show up in life but having a faith-filled response is what makes all the difference! When we know who created us and who we are in Him—our response to all that life throws our way is filled with confidence and hope in God. This truth alone has the power to change everything from our perspective, our words, our actions, and even the way we engage with people.

In 1 Samuel 16-17, Samuel helps David see his identity as the chosen, anointed future king, which would lead him to the faith-filled success of slaying the giant, Goliath. This powerful example illustrates how understanding one's identity can empower them to face seemingly insurmountable challenges with confidence.

Knowing our identity is how we respond in faith rather than reacting out of fear!

Yesterday, we talked about how identity consists of two key parts—design and calling. Your design is the center of who you are; it encompasses your unique qualities, attributes, and characteristics that make you … you! This includes your personality, talents, skills, values, and experiences that shape you.

Your calling is the expression of your unique design; it’s how you engage with the world and allow God to use your design according to His purposes. With His help, God wants us to align our identity with His plans. This divine alignment is what enables us to use our gifts and abilities based on our God-given identity rather than from a perspective of labels and standards pressed upon us by the world.

So, who are you?

I wish I had a good answer, but the truth is, it’s more of an exploration journey—kind of like a treasure hunt. The treasure we’re seeking, only God can show us the way; only He can tell you the truth of who you are.

In searching for the truth and understanding of your identity, start by identifying your personal core values. Core values are the traits, qualities, or principles that represent your highest priorities and deepest held beliefs. These values are so important because they are what motivate, guide, and inspire you to be you.

Your core values can come from various aspects of your life. Values can come from your unique design, or sometimes even personal experiences, both positive or negative; these experiences can help establish a core value for you. It could be an approach or mindset that you deeply value and desire to live out.

Clarifying our core values can hold significant influence, offering profound insights into our identity and pinpointing what holds the utmost importance for us. Often, our values are shaped by experiences or an awareness of their absence in people or situations. A core value may become ingrained in your identity due to a negative experience, compelling you to strive to prevent others from experiencing similar feelings.

In addition to David's story, Psalm 139 offers an opportunity to pray and reflect inwardly with God. David acknowledges God's intimate knowledge of his design and calling, and specifically asks God to search and know his heart. He goes on saying, “Point out anything in me that offends you, and lead me along the path of everlasting life.” It’s wonderful to have our own thoughts and beliefs about what matters in life—but it is imperative that we include God from the beginning of forming those thoughts and beliefs. He will reveal to us the truth of who we are and show us what really matters in life; we simply need to take the time to be still before Him and listen for His guidance and wisdom.

To uncover your core values, spend time reflecting, intentionally seeking God to understand your design and calling, and how they exist together. Ask God to reveal the special way He created you and the unique set of core values that enable you to live authentically out of your identity and with purpose. In getting to know your unique design, you gain the opportunity to explore the different ways you can express that design!

As you become more and more aware about your design, and begin to align your calling with God’s will, He’ll provide clarity on your identity. In fact, you’ll gain clarity and grow in discernment when it comes to the decisions you make and the actions you take. You’ll have a clear lens or a model through which you are processing decisions and feelings. Hurt and deception can distort identity, so if you’ve got some of that, healing and realignment are needed. As you embrace your God-given design and live out your calling, you'll be empowered to live authentically. Living authentically is what engages the fruits of the Spirit, ultimately allowing us to live with insurmountable joy and fulfillment. Keep seeking God, and be intentional about asking Him who He made you to be and how He calls you to live. That's how you discover your true identity!

  1. When it comes to your design, what aspects about yourself do you value most?
  2. Do you harbor negative beliefs about yourself? Where do these thoughts/beliefs come from?
  3. What steps can you take today to begin healing from past hurts and rebuild your sense of identity?
  4. If you were to list 5-7 personal values that you believe are most important in life, what would they be?
  5. In practical terms, how could you embrace your identity and live more authentically this week? What action steps can you take?
Ziua 1Ziua 3

Despre acest plan

The Power of a United Family Identity

Discover your God-given family identity and learn how to cultivate a Christ-centered household. This six-day plan explores the unique design and calling within each family member, answering the crucial question, "Who am I?" Through daily devotions and biblical wisdom, you'll gain practical insights to align your family's values and actions with God's purpose, ultimately building a strong, faith-filled home that reflects His love to the world.
