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The Power of a United Family IdentityMostră

The Power of a United Family Identity

Ziua 1 din 6

Day 1: The Principle of Identity

Every person has an identity, and within it God placed a unique design and calling.

Is there any greater disappointment than the sting of an unfinished puzzle? There’s a level of disappointment and frustration that enters our hearts when we’re attempting to resolve or locate the missing pieces in our lives. How often it is that we try to reshape ourselves to fit into the mold at work, in a friend group, or even in our own homes. 1 Peter 2:9 says, “But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.” Sure, you could take a piece from another puzzle and try to force it to fit, but it won’t ever truly belong in that particular space, and it’s not because there’s something wrong with it. It’s because it was never designed to complete that particular puzzle. Even if you squeezed this misfit piece down into the open space, not only would you be distorting the original design of the piece itself, but you’d also distort the beautiful picture this finished puzzle was intended to create. It can’t lay flat, and now the design of the misfit piece is bent, leaving it impaired. Further, without this one missing piece, the puzzle will always be incomplete, and whether you realize it or not, you’ve got a choice to make. You can settle for a distorted, incomplete puzzle, or continue searching for that one, missing piece. Identity is a lot like a giant puzzleone half making up its unique design, and the other half is the intended use of that design. We have to view our design and calling in the very same way—they both matter. You see, it takes both design and calling to live authentically from our identity the way God intended.

Identity consists of two key components—our design and our calling.

God intricately created each person with a specific design. This design refers to the unique qualities, attributes, and characteristics that make us who we are. This includes our personality, talents, skills, and values.

In Jeremiah 1:4-10, we witness God's appointment of Jeremiah as a prophet even before his birth. God, saying "Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you, before you were born I set you apart," illustrates the truth that God has a unique identity and purpose for our lives long before he creates us!

Our calling is the expression of our design. It encompasses the different ways we engage with the world and ultimately allows God to utilize our design according to His purposes. Aligning our design and calling with God’s plan for our lives is how we live authentically and purposefully.

In Matthew 16:13-19, Peter declares: “You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God.” Jesus replies, “Now I say to you that you are Peter (which means ‘rock’), and upon this rock I will build my church, and all the powers of hell will not conquer it. And I will give you the keys of the Kingdom of Heaven.” When Peter declares Jesus as the Christ, Jesus affirms Peter’s identity and calling, stating that he would be the one to start and help build God’s church. This verse also demonstrates the transforming power of God, changing names and giving new identities to those who follow Him.

Furthermore, in John 15:16, Jesus tells His disciples, "You did not choose me but I chose you and appointed you so that you might go and bear fruit.” In this verse, Jesus reminds His disciples that their identity is rooted in being chosen and called by Him alone. Additionally, the good fruit we bear comes from Christ’s choosing and appointment.

When it comes to our design and calling, we must seek and gain insight, grasping a deep understanding of our identity. This is the first step in aligning who we are with God’s will so that we can effectively partner with Him throughout our lives. The reality is, we all experience different events in life, and unfortunately some events can negatively shape our identity. Hurt and deception can distort our identity, while healing and realignment restore it. Identity impacts how we view ourselves and interact with others, either hindering or propelling us to fulfill our God-given purpose!

Identity is all about understanding who God created us to be (design) and how He calls us to live (calling). It shapes every aspect of our lives. Authentic identity comes from embracing our God-given design and aligning our calling with His kingdom purposes.

  1. How would you describe your unique design—your personality, talents, values, and experiences that make you who you are?
  2. Are there people in your life who have identified certain things about you that you may not have seen in yourself before? How did their perspective impact you?
  3. How do you typically seek validation or worth from external sources like achievements, money, status, or others' opinions? In what ways does this compromise who you are?
  4. Reflect on your interests, hobbies, or activities that bring you joy. Do any of these align with and express your unique design?
Ziua 2

Despre acest plan

The Power of a United Family Identity

Discover your God-given family identity and learn how to cultivate a Christ-centered household. This six-day plan explores the unique design and calling within each family member, answering the crucial question, "Who am I?" Through daily devotions and biblical wisdom, you'll gain practical insights to align your family's values and actions with God's purpose, ultimately building a strong, faith-filled home that reflects His love to the world.
