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The Right Response

Ziua 3 din 5

Learn to Listen to the Holy Spirit 

Why is it so difficult to hear God’s voice? 

Often it’s because we let daily routines bombard us from all sides until we don’t have time for stillness. But the coronavirus pandemic has somehow forced humanity to pause and stop. Not only for our sake but also for the sake of the earth by putting a stop to all the destruction that humanity has caused. Despite our circumstances, this is probably a great opportunity for us to start learning to listen to the Holy Spirit.

Being in stillness helps us hear God more clearly. But our willingness to listen to His voice matters more. John 16:13-14 tells us, “But when He, the Spirit of truth (which is the Holy Spirit), comes, He will guide you into all the truth. He will not speak on his own; He will speak only what He hears, and..." ---this is the intriguing part--- ”He will tell you what is yet to come. He will glorify me because it is from me that He will receive what He will make known to you.” 

God wants us to receive His Word and He wants to speak directly to us. His Word breathes new dreams and vision and inspires new ideas, songs, creativity, and innovations that will bless many people in this season and many seasons after.

God wishes us to receive His help. He wants to comfort those who are lonely, afflicted and grieving. He wants to rescue those who are lost and lead them back into peace and truth. 

So make the most of your days learning to listen to the Holy Spirit, rather than listening to all the devastating news that may weaken your faith. Commit yourself to read the Bible every day and listen closely to what the Holy Spirit whispers to you.

God longs to extend His love to the world through us. Take joy in giving, because the Bible says that it’s more blessed to give than to receive. There’s a lot of people who need our care and help and lean on the Holy Spirit to give us the strength to help them. Listen carefully to His voice and do what He wants us to do.


Thank You, God. I am grateful because the Holy Spirit dwells in me. Teach me to listen attentively as You speak through Your Holy Spirit. You have promised that you will stay by my side through the darkest valley. I believe this pandemic will end. Give me the inspiration and courage, so I won’t lose sight of hope. I pray that I will become better, stronger, healthier, wiser, more capable, and most importantly, become more like You. The peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard my heart and my mind, in the name of Jesus, amen.

Zi 2Zi 4

Despre acest plan

The Right Response

It never crossed anyone’s mind to be living in a world that’s fighting a pandemic. Giving the right response will help us not only survive, but also thrive and become a better version of ourselves once this pandemic ends. For the next five days, learn how to guard your faith, focus on God’s goodness, listen to the Holy Spirit, do good, and build yourself as you look up to God.


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