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The Right Response

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Focus on God’s Goodness

“On the evening of that first day of the week, when the disciples were together, with the doors locked for fear of the Jewish leaders, Jesus came and stood among them and said, “Peace be with you!” After He said this, He showed them His hands and side. The disciples were overjoyed when they saw the Lord.” (John 20:19-20)

After Jesus was crucified, the disciples hid themselves to avoid death from persecution. Out of fear that people would find their whereabouts, the disciples shut and locked all the doors. But, suddenly and miraculously, Jesus appeared in their hiding place for He has risen. The disciples saw another side of the Lord and experienced His power like never before. They learned the truth that nothing could stop Jesus from being with them. 

Today, the truth remains; nothing could ever stop Jesus from coming to us. No matter where we are hiding to keep ourselves away from the deadly coronavirus. He is always present, offering us the incomparable peace and joy that He alone can bring. He creates new ways even when we cannot see a way. God is good and He only does what is good. 

A. R. Bernard once said, “Please look at the good in every situation, because God is good.” It is easy to find the negative in everything; our marriage, work, or current condition. But it’s when we focus on the good in every situation that we become aware of God’s presence, and sustain our hope, even on the hardest day. 

Keep your hopes up, don’t lose heart and know that God will see us through this pandemic. In these difficult times, may we all experience God’s power in ways we have never seen and experienced before.


Lord Jesus, thank You that You are always with me. Help me see Your goodness in every situation. Let me experience Your power as I have never experienced before. I believe You are able to make new ways even though I cannot see one yet. You can do exceedingly abundantly above all that I can ask or think. In the name of Jesus, amen.

Zi 1Zi 3

Despre acest plan

The Right Response

It never crossed anyone’s mind to be living in a world that’s fighting a pandemic. Giving the right response will help us not only survive, but also thrive and become a better version of ourselves once this pandemic ends. For the next five days, learn how to guard your faith, focus on God’s goodness, listen to the Holy Spirit, do good, and build yourself as you look up to God.


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