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Team Buidling Mostră

Team Buidling

Ziua 4 din 4

Team Building

Step 4 | Humility 

Humility is the final element of a harmonious team that Peter taught in 1 Peter 3:8. As you may have noticed, the elements Peter listed for harmony in this verse have a progressive order.  

Each one requires a deeper level of love for others. Humility is the toughest, because it requires that we lay down our own agenda, at times, for the sake of others.  

A friend of mine had a business that hit hard times. He considered laying off some people, but his team modeled humility by taking severe pay cuts so that the remainder of their team could keep their jobs. 

Philippians 2:3 teaches, “Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves.”  

The sign of a truly harmonious team will be when selfish ambition disappears. 

Zi 3

Despre acest plan

Team Buidling

Let’s be honest -- being a member of a team can be difficult. Sometimes people don’t get along, and tensions can run high. In 1 Peter 3:8, Peter provides four keys to fostering harmony. This plan will walk through Peter’...


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