STEPS by John OrtbergSample

I’ve loved getting to figuratively spend these last two weeks together. As we conclude this journey through the Twelve Steps, I want to remind you of the ultimate hope that awaits us: the “thirteenth step.”
In the early days of recovery, this term referred to a person’s final step—taken when they died sober, completing their life’s journey with courage, dignity, and purpose. It’s not a step of loss but of victory. For those who have faced the depths of despair, to die with clarity, love, and service is the greatest triumph.
Often, death is seen as defeat. But for those who have fought life’s battles with humility and trust in God, it’s a moment of holy transformation. It’s a reminder that no struggle is wasted and that every step, even the hardest ones, brings us closer to the One who gives us life.
As Paul wrote, “Where, O death, is your victory? Where, O death, is your sting?” (1 Corinthians 15:55). The thirteenth step is not the end; it’s the doorway to resurrection.
Jesus himself modeled this journey for us. The grave could not hold him. On the third day, the stone was rolled away, and he stepped into new life—bringing us the hope that no matter how dark our journey, no matter how many times we’ve stumbled, the promise of renewal and resurrection is real.
Here’s the truth: You are not alone. Never alone.
Throughout this process, we’ve learned that we need each other. We’ve leaned on God and on the community around us to take each step. As Jesus promised, “Where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them” (Matthew 18:20). Healing is not something we achieve in isolation. It’s something we find together.
This final step is an invitation to live with hope—each day, each moment, trusting in the grace that is new every morning. When life feels overwhelming, remember: I can’t. He can. I think I’ll let him.
Today’s Invitation:
Reflect on your journey. What victories, small or large, has God helped you achieve? Think of someone who might need the hope you’ve found. Share your story or encourage them today. And when challenges arise, remember that resurrection is not just an event—it’s a promise that renews us daily.
Step by step, day by day, we are being made new. The thirteenth step reminds us that this isn’t the end. It’s only the beginning. The Fellowship of the Withered Hand becomes the Communion of Saints, and our story joins a greater story—the story of a risen Savior who walked this path before us and who walks it with us now.
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It’s been a joy going on this journey with you! And if you’re interested in the book, you can learn more at
About this Plan

What do we do when we know something needs to change but we can’t do it on our own? Join John Ortberg for a 14-day journey of transformation. The STEPS Bible Plan is rooted in the teachings of Jesus and uses the framework of AA's 12 steps as a guide for discipleship.
We would like to thank Become New with John Ortberg for providing this plan. For more information, please visit: