The Sound of Worship: Lessons From RevelationSample

Have you ever had the experience of reading a good book, or watching an interesting television series, but you already knew the ending? Today we are looking at the ending of the greatest story ever told, the Bible.
And what is the ending? Simply put, God wins, and Satan loses.
Go Deep
Revelation 12 has powerful imagery involving, amongst others, a woman (Israel), a dragon (Satan), and a male child (Jesus). We read how the dragon tries to battle and destroy but is struck down from heaven and overcome by the blood of the Lamb. Verse 12 says that the dragon will stay on this earth for a little while and is angry, because his time here is short.
Just like a wounded animal sometimes lashes out and fights when it feels threatened, so it is with Satan. He still wants to cause as much damage and destruction as possible, but as believers we don’t need to sit in confusion or fear because we already know the outcome. Those who believe in Jesus spend eternity in heaven with Him, while Satan is banished to the pits of hell.
The Lamb has overcome. Hallelujah!
Be Bold
It is very human of us to focus on our own lives, to focus on our problems, and to feel anxious and worried. Or sometimes we may feel so paralyzed with fear that we can’t move forward in any direction because we worry that we might make the wrong move.
What would happen if you stepped back from your current situation and looked at the really big picture, for example how God sees it? Because Satan has been overcome, and God has already won the battle!
So, without diminishing your pain or struggles, know that God is for you and walking in victory with you. This life will be tough sometimes, but the big battle has already been won, and we know that the end of our story is already written – eternity spent with the Lamb.
How can this shift in perspective affect the way you live your life and view your struggles? Discuss and share some thoughts with your small group or some friends and pray boldly for each other. Pray that you can believe in and live with a victory mentality!
Memorize it
"They triumphed over him
by the blood of the Lamb
and by the word of their testimony;
they did not love their lives so much
as to shrink from death."
- Revelation 12:11
About this Plan

The book of Revelation is full of worship and songs which lead us to discover more about the grandeur, holiness, and majesty of God! Join TeenStreet as we spend 7 days in the book of Revelation. Share the plan with your small group and go deep in the Word together!
We would like to thank TeenStreet for providing this plan. For more information, please visit: