GLEANINGS - NumbersSample

What is the significance of the census?
The two censuses (chs. 1—4, 26) are crucial to understanding the book's structure. The first census (chs. 1—4) concerns the first generation of the Exodus community; the second census (ch. 26) focuses on the experiences of the second generation, the people to whom this book is primarily directed. The first generation of the redeemed was prepared for triumph but ended in disaster. The second generation has an opportunity for greatness—if only they will learn from the failures of their fathers and mothers the absolute necessity for robust faithfulness to the Lord despite all obstacles.
The first verse of the Book of Numbers has many significant features. Perhaps the most important is that it begins with the Lord speaking to Moses. This phrase, or a slight variation, occurs over 150 times in the Book of Numbers, giving it great importance. It appears in every chapter except chapters 22 – 24, which contain the story about Balaam.
Some may ask, “If God is all-knowing, why must he call a census? Can’t he tell Moses, "There are so many Israelites among you”? The census was not for God's benefit. This one was to count all the eligible males to be used to fight. That is why no women or children were included, and only males of a certain age were to be counted. The count prepared them for a war that lay ahead and for the teamwork that would be required.
The first census was to allow the people to make the half-shekel contribution to the Sanctuary. In this census, the people are preparing the military campaign to take the land (which they would have done at once if not for the regrettable incident with the spies). The purpose of this census was to count the men over the age of 20 for military service.
The point is not to get caught up in the numbers but to worship God in the numbers as he has revealed himself in them.
This census reminds us that no man lives alone. We are making our future now, and it may be the future of our families as well (cf. Isaiah 58:12, “You shall raise the foundations of many generations”).
We are fighting a war together, and we need to be together. As we look at numbers and they were taking count, how many of you would know who you are fighting this war with? We often get caught up in ourselves and forget we are part of the more significant battle. We lose count and forget we have a role in the larger war.
Do you know the person in your group that you are serving with? One of the biggest things missing in churches today is connection.
The last and final census in the Bible is the final roll call in the Book of Life, in which God records the names of those saved for Heaven. In the NET Bible translation, it is called ‘the census book of the nations’ (Psalm 87:6).
Will your name be in that final census?
Application Question:
God counts things. He counts the stars and has a name for each one. What does that say about you?
He who counts the stars and calls them all by their names leaves nothing unarranged in his own service.” -Charles Spurgeon.
Lord, I thank you that you are a God of order and also a God who multiplies. Help me to learn from the Israelites' example in the Book of Numbers and to ensure that my name is written in the Book of Life. Amen.
About this Plan

GLEANINGS is a one-year devotional through the Bible. A title like Numbers may sound about as exciting as “Dictionary” or “Phone Book,” but get ready for a surprise. This book is loaded with powerful stories. It graphically shows what happens when people sin, but it also holds hope for those who desire God’s mercy and want to experience his faithfulness.
We would like to thank Vijay Thangiah for providing this plan. For more information, please visit:
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