GLEANINGS - NumbersSample

Giving is not a compulsion but is worship
When the Israelites gave the offerings at the dedication of the tabernacle, it was not a requirement. They presented it out of gratitude for God rescuing them out of slavery. We give an offering today not out of compulsion but out of gratitude for what the Lord has done for us in our salvation.
Another way of putting this point is to say that this giving of the twelve tribes to the worship of the tabernacle was in response to God’s grace, not a method of acquiring or obtaining his favor.
They were giving to the Lord nothing but a portion of what He had given to them. In the words of William Walsham How’s famous hymn:
We give thee but thine own, whate’er the gift may be,
All that we have is thine alone, a trust, O Lord, from thee.
Notice that the tribes worked together. It wasn't like "Tribe No.1" gave this cart and "Tribe No.2" gave three oxen. The idea is that all the tribes worked together, and the leaders brought this total of six carts and 12 oxen to pull the 12 carts. Living the Christian life is never to be a bunch of "solo efforts for God." One reason God organized the Israelites by tribes is to teach us teamwork. We worship together in giving.
It is also interesting to note that this was not a command. As far as we know, Moses never commanded this to be brought. The Israelites just thought this would be a good idea and that it was a practical gift to be brought. The point for us is that we look around our church or our community, and we see a need, and then God calls on us to do our best to fulfill that need. That is what was happening here.
All of this reappears in the New Testament. We offer sacrifices to God in our worship together – different kinds of sacrifices, but sacrifices nonetheless; worship is called the giving of sacrifices in the NT. This principle is reiterated in the New Testament to give cheerfully and generously for gifts to God's house and His work. 2 Corinthians 9: 7 says, "Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver."
It is important to see that the giving of tithes and offerings is primarily an act of worship before God. We worship through song, through prayer, through the study of and obedience of scripture. We worship when we participate in the Lord’s Supper. But we should also give as an act of worship before God.
No Christian ever regrets giving to the Lord and to the Lord’s house and work. No Christian fails to give rightly, wisely, and well, and who gives with a view to the whole church of God. No Christian who gives cheerfully fails to obtain the presence of the Lord in his life. And with that presence, every wonderful thing.
The extravagance in our giving - not out of compulsion, but freely is one of the most powerful and practical embodiments of the principle of a gospel-ordered and gospel-driven life: we love him because he first loved us. Love is demonstrated in your life and mine by the giving of gifts. It always has been and always shall be. God so loved that He gave.
Application Questions:
1. Do you see all things as coming from God and yourself as a steward of what God has provided?
2. Ask yourself, are you giving worshipfully, sacrificially, faithfully, and with the furtherance of Christ’s kingdom in mind?
“I fear there are many hearing me who now know well that they are not Christians because they do not love to give. To give largely and liberally, not grudging at all, requires a new heart; an old heart would rather part with its life blood than its money. Oh my friends! You better enjoy your money; make the most of it; give none of it away; enjoy it quickly; for I can tell you, you will be beggars throughout eternity.” -Robert McCheyne
Lord, I thank you for showing me the true purpose and meaning of giving. Help me to worship you cheerfully with my giving, holding nothing back because all that I have comes from you and belongs to you. Amen.
About this Plan

GLEANINGS is a one-year devotional through the Bible. A title like Numbers may sound about as exciting as “Dictionary” or “Phone Book,” but get ready for a surprise. This book is loaded with powerful stories. It graphically shows what happens when people sin, but it also holds hope for those who desire God’s mercy and want to experience his faithfulness.
We would like to thank Vijay Thangiah for providing this plan. For more information, please visit:
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