Devotions for Deconstructors, Disciples, & Doubters by Dr. Jason Lee McKinneySample

Day Four: The Gift of Choice
"He [God] can't give these creatures the freedom to perform evil and at the same time prevent them from doing so." - Alvin Plantinga
"Man has free choice, or otherwise counsels, exhortations, commands, prohibitions, rewards, and punishments would be in vain." - Augustine
Listen to "Freedom" by the Jason Lee McKinney Band to supplement today's reading.
Paul states, "they chose" and "He allowed." One of the greatest gifts God gives humans is the free will to choose. Part of that gift though is the ability to choose wrong. This is where moral evil comes into play. Moral evil is the evil that arises out of the acts or intentions of agents who have free will. In other words, moral evil is the result of what humans choose.
God cannot grant humans libertarian choice (free will) and yet intervene or prevent humans from making wrong choices. If the choice is between A and B, but every time B is chosen it becomes A, then B is never truly an option, and this it is a faux choice. Human must have the ability to choose wrong in order for humanity to maintain its status as morally free beings. If God intervened at all points of evil/moral choices, man would cease to be free and cease to be a morally capable being. Freedom of choice necessitates the possibility of evil. Eventually humans will always choose evil, and God cannot both grant the freedom of free will and prevent that free will from choosing evil. He allows our sinful hearts to do what we want; that is a part of the gift of free will.
We are also free to respond to his calling and love him. Friends, we are free to choose to align our choices with his will and to choose righteousness. We are free to worship and praise the creator forever.
Father in heaven, thank you for the gift of free will. Thank you for allowing me to have choices. You did not have to create me with that freedom, and I thank you for doing so. Lord help me day by day to choose to worship you, Creator, and not created things. Holy Spirit guide my choices towards righteousness and away from evil. Jesus thank you for dying on the cross for me because we both know I will inevitably fail and will choose evil. When I do fail, Holy Spirit, convict me quickly to repentance. Thank you, Jesus, for the reconciliation of the cross and the grace it affords me. Help me to be ever grateful for it and never abuse it. In the name of Jesus. Amen.
This devotion is an excerpt from Dr. Jason Lee McKinney's devotional book, Devotions for Deconstructors, Disciples, and Doubters,and based on his book, Deconstructing a Disciple's Doubt.
The accompanying music comes from Jason Lee McKinney Band's album One Last Thing.
About this Plan

This plan is not for the settled and the steady and secure in their faith, or for the atheist. This plan is for doubting Thomases and denying Peters. For the believer who does not understand why things appear as they are. For the believer who isn't sure if they can keep believing yet still longs to know Jesus better.
We would like to thank Syntax Creative for providing this plan. For more information, please visit:
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