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Life to the FullSample

Life to the Full

DAY 5 OF 9

Powerful Pray-ers

Do you know that one encounter with Jesus can turn your life upside down? Just one moment in the presence of God can have the most profound impact on your life for the better. A great example of this in the Bible is a man called Saul, who went from being a terrorist to a teacher after one moment in God’s presence.

Prayer plays a huge part in leading us into the presence of God, and the most important thing about prayer isn’t you, it is God. He listens because He loves. No matter where you are in your life right now - mistakes you’ve made, things you’ve done - God loves you!

In Exodus 33:11, the passage tells us that Joshua, Moses’ young assistant, did not want to leave the presence of God.

This is what we want to see; a generation of young people who don’t want to leave God’s presence. In February of 2023, in a small town called Asbury in America, young people just like you, spontaneously gathered to worship in an ordinary chapel service, and they were so captivated that they didn’t want to leave the presence of God. In 16 days, to that town of a population of only 6,000 people, around 100,000 travelled from across America and the world to see what was going on in that room. It all started with young people. God is listening to every prayer and your prayers have power.

God is looking for you to linger in His presence just like Joshua. Just like Anna in Luke 2. Just like David who didn’t want to leave the hills and the mountains. We must be a people of prayer. The love of God is unconditional, but a move of God is conditional, and prayer is one of those conditions - as you can see from 2 Chronicles 7:14. We want to pray that revival would come to this nation. That revival would come to your schools, youth groups, churches, towns and cities. But it won’t happen by accident. In Asbury, they had prayed for an outpouring of the Holy Spirit on campus for eight years! God has two paces – slowly and suddenly. We’ve got to be ready for the ‘suddenly’. Those people in Asbury prayed and they were faithful for eight years and an outpouring of God’s presence suddenly came.

Prayer is transformational and here is an acronym to encourage you all to pray for transformation. PCR for transformational prayer; it is Persistent, Consistent, and Resistant.

Persistent Prayer

Ever felt like your prayers were hitting the ceiling? Jesus shares a story in Luke 11:5-8 about a friend persistently knocking on another friend's door at midnight. Why? Because he needed bread for a visitor. The key? Shameless persistence! In a world that tells us to be instant, God values persistence. Keep knocking, keep seeking, and trust that God hears your prayers.

Consistent Prayer

Consistency is key! Think of spiritual maturity as the consistent application of basic things. Just like showing up on time, being consistent in prayer is foundational. Regularly seek God's face (Jeremiah 29:13), read His Word, and let prayer become a daily rhythm in your life. It's not about occasional spectacular moments, but the steady commitment to the basics.

Resistant Prayer

In Matthew Chapter 4, when Jesus was tempted by the Devil, prayer became resistance. The Devil tried to divert Jesus from His purpose. The enemy often resists what he knows is powerful - your prayers are powerful! Don't be discouraged when it gets tough. Resist the distractions, resist the lies, and stand firm in prayer. The Devil may resist, but prayer breaks resistance.

Let's challenge ourselves to be a generation that embraces persistent, consistent, and resistant prayer. Imagine the impact our prayers can have on our lives, our youth group, and our nation. Remember, you are part of a movement that God is stirring, and your prayers play a crucial role!


In what ways does the transformation of Saul, the spontaneous gatherings in Asbury, and the stories of Joshua, Anna, and David inspire you to seek and linger in God's presence?

Reflect on the concept of Persistent, Consistent, and Resistant (PCR) prayer. How can you apply these principles in your prayer life to make it more impactful and aligned with God's will?

What challenges or distractions do you need to resist to maintain a strong and consistent prayer routine?



Thank you, that Your presence never leaves the room. Thank You, that You always listen to me. Thank You, for the gift of prayer and direct communication with You. I pray that You would teach me the power of persistence, like the friend who knocked at midnight. I pray for consistency in prayer so that I can seek Your face every day. Father, help me with the challenges that I face, that I would engage in persistent prayer. May my prayers impact the people around me and that Your glory would cover this nation and generation.

In Jesus’ name, Amen

Day 4Day 6

About this Plan

Life to the Full

In John 10:10 Jesus offers us all life to the full. But what does it mean to live life to the full. At DTI’s summer festival in 2023, we explored this, and we have broken this down into this nine-day Bible plan.


We would like to thank Dreaming the Impossible for providing this plan. For more information, please visit: