The Fatherless Journey for GuysSample

Day 9 - Overcoming Fear
Growing up, I was fearful of a lot of things. I feared the dark, dogs, confrontation, failure, being alone, and much more. I know they were not all the direct result of being fatherless, but many of my fears stemmed from that situation. I remember living in an old house in my hometown. When day turned to night, I always feared that someone might break in and that no man would be there to protect us. Before you laugh, I was only four years old at the time, but the fear was real and continued throughout much of my childhood.
One day in 7th grade, I went snow skiing for the first time. Initially, I was scared of it as well. When I got to the top of the hill, all I could do was look down at this vast mountain and think in fear how I would ever make it down. I did not know how to control my skis, how to turn from right to left, or how to stop. I was a beginner. After about 2 hours, I made it down the slope for the first time.
This mountain was set up differently than most ski resorts, whereas the lodge and parking lot were on the top of the mountain. I was very excited to get on the ski lift and go back up to the lodge. As I was getting on the lift, my youth pastor and former mentor decided to ride up with me. Since he was the unlucky individual who had to teach me how to ski that evening, he became very well aware that I was afraid. Knowing of this fear, he quoted II Timothy 1:7 to me. I think it was the first time I had ever heard this verse or the first time it really caught my attention. Finally, I realized I needed to begin conquering these fears that were inhibiting me for such a long time.
II Timothy 1:7 shows us that fear is not from God. Fear limits us from living to our fullest potential. What are you fearful of? II Timothy 1:7 also shows us that God has given us power, love, and a sound mind. When you become fearful, remember that we have power through the Lord; trust Him today to help you overcome your fear. I challenge you today not to let any of your fears get in your way but to seek God's help in conquering your fears.
Write out a list of all of your fears. Begin meditating on II Timothy 1:7 daily, thinking of your fears, and asking God to help you conquer them.
Dear Lord, I realize only through You am I able to overcome my fears. I ask that from this day forward, You will strengthen me to live with power, love, and a sound mind. Amen.
About this Plan

The Fatherless Journey Devotional Book is a must-have for every fatherless young man. It is a journey over your individual fatherless mountain. This life guide will help strengthen you to continue on with life despite your fatherless circumstances.
We would like to thank Life Factors Ministries for providing this plan. For more information, please visit:
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