Trust: A Walk Through the Psalms (Ps. 121-150)Sample

When we find ourselves in a situation of serious need, we long for help. We long for someone to take care of us, fix what is broken, or shoulder our heavy burdens. There are times, however, when we feel like there is no one we can turn to for help. But even in these moments, we can be reminded that God is our helper—the One we can look to in any circumstance. We can trust Him to help, protect, and take care of us.
Because God is the Maker of heaven and earth, He is the best person we can go to for help. God created all things; therefore, He is in control of all things. Even though there are things that make us afraid and threaten our security—whether it be storms, sickness, or suffering—these things are not beyond God’s control. He can move and work however He pleases, which reminds us to trust God and look to Him rather than the things that make us fearful.
Even though God is our helper and in control of all things, this does not mean that we are free from harm in this life. Often, God allows us to walk through trials, but this does not mean that He has stopped being our protector. This does not mean that God has removed His goodness and grace from our lives. No matter what we experience in this life, we can be assured that God is continuing to take care of us and be with us.
Ultimately, we know this to be true because of Christ. Through Christ’s death and resurrection, we receive salvation that brings us into a relationship with God. As believers, we are promised that God will never abandon us, especially in our times of need. And because of the eternal life we receive through Christ, we have hope that even though we experience suffering, God will keep us safe in His hands and bring us through this life and into eternity.
Reflect and Respond
How can you practically view God as your helper in your daily life? How does knowing that God is your helper impact your response to hardship?
About this Plan

The Book of Psalms is a book that challenges and encourages us in our faith and worship to the Lord. In Psalms 121–150 in particular, we are challenged and encouraged to trust the Lord in all of our circumstances. In studying these psalms, we are reminded of God’s goodness and grace that moves us to place our trust in Him.
We would like to thank The Daily Grace Co. for providing this plan. For more information, please visit: