Seeds: What and Why Sample

Day 1- What is ‘Seed’ ?
It will likely come as no surprise to you, that the earliest mention of seed is in the very first chapter of Genesis. Genesis is where we will lay a foundation of understanding, for seed, and for God’s purpose and design for seed. (Genesis 1:11, [AMPC])
“And God said, Let the earth put forth [tender] vegetation: plants yielding seed and fruit trees yielding fruit whose seed is in itself, each according to its kind, upon the earth. And it was so” (Genesis 1:11, [AMPC]).
The origin of the Hebrew word we translate into seed is Zara, which, STRONG’S concordance, and others, define as, “to sow, scatter seed” (Strong, 2010). This definition becomes self-evident in the latter half of the verse, where it points out, that seed causes the multiplication of what came before it (Genesis 1:11, [AMPC]).
This scripture is where we see both the first mention of the word seed, as well as the first mention of natural life (Genesis 1:11, [AMPC]). The correlation is intentional, all life grows and multiplies through some form of seed.
The questions we can immediately draw from this are huge! If seed is inseparable from life, then where in our life are we expected to produce seed and what happens with it? If all life comes from seed, then what kind of seed did we come from? The more important question is, what should this all mean to me (Genesis 1:12, [AMPC])
“The earth brought forth vegetation: plants yielding seed according to their own kinds and trees bearing fruit in which was their seed, each according to its kind. And God saw that it was good (suitable, admirable) and He approved it (Genesis 1:11, [AMPC]).
In the days ahead, we will seek out answers to these questions in the Word of God; but be comforted for now, in knowing from Genesis 1:12, that God created seed for good! Good was His original design, and even though we live in a fallen world, He has a plan of redemption to restore any seed back to that good, complete, and perfect design (Genesis 1:12, [AMPC]).
I encourage you to meditate on these scriptural thoughts and look for seeds in everyday life. There is not a single thing living today that cannot be traced all the way to the beginning, and it got here because of SEED.
About this Plan

Seeds, they’re everywhere. Your words, your money, your children and even you, yourself, are a seed! How do these seeds work and why should it matter to us? Let’s see what the Bible has to say and discover how it can apply to our lives in order to bring us closer to God and His purpose for us.
We would like to thank Abundant Life Church for providing this plan. For more information, please visit:
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