NT24 FastSample

Day 10 by Keshia Heath, Community & Connections Pastor of UPPERROOM Dallas
Today’s Reading: Romans 1-11
“For all who are led by the Spirit of God are children of God. So you have not received a spirit that makes you fearful slaves. Instead, you received God’s Spirit when he adopted you as his own children. Now we call him “Abba, Father.” His Spirit joins with our Spirit to affirm that we are God’s children.” (Romans 8:14-16)
Welcome to Romans! There is so much here to read through as the depths, wisdom, and revelation in this book of the Bible could have all of us in discovery for a while. But as I was reading these 11 chapters, the Holy Spirit highlighted chapter 8.
In chapter 8, verses 14-16, we are reminded that it is by the leading of the Spirit that we are no longer slaves or, as some translations say, “in bondage” to fear. Instead of the fear of sin and our mistakes separating us from the Father, we get to live in freedom, knowing that because of the sacrifice of Jesus, we are now adopted into a sonship in which we belong.
There was a time in my life when I wandered around like an orphan. I had received salvation, I was filled with the Holy Spirit, and I was even in ministry, but I still allowed myself to strive for things as if they weren’t already mine to have; I lived in fear of rejection and failure as if my shortcomings would create animosity with the Father, I lived in constant fear that my “belonging” had to do with my works. I wasn’t living at all.
After the revelation came that I belonged as a daughter, I could live out of rest. I can ask, and it will be given; I can seek and find that I can’t be separated from His love by any means (verses 37-39). Suddenly, everything was different; I was no longer trying to walk with one foot free and one foot in chains; I was completely free, filled with peace. My dependency changed from my own “strength” to becoming fully dependent on the Spirit of God. I began to live.
We GET to cry out, “Abba Father.” Why? Because you are a son, you are a daughter. This is no small thing; we belong to the one sitting on the throne. We are God’s children! What an honor, what a privilege.
As we are in this time of prayer and fasting together, if you have been feeling far off or have been living in condemnation or separation, resubmit yourself to the leading of the Spirit and allow Him to testify with your Spirit that you are a child of God.
You are no longer wandering; you are no longer bound; you are no longer enslaved to your sin; you are no longer a product of generational sins and are in a new bloodline! You Belong.
For our 10th Day going through this together, I would like us to use this time to receive communion. Wherever you are reading this, look around and grab bread, a cracker, chips, some juice, or water. Whatever you have to represent the body and blood of Christ. As you hold the body and the blood, picture Him on the cross. Body broken, blood flowing - this sacrifice made for you to have access to a new bloodline, to belong. Now, take a moment and thank Him. Thank Him for His sacrifice; thank Him that He died so you could be His. Receive the body and blood.
About this Plan

The NT24 Fast is a journey through the entire New Testament partnered with prayer and fasting for 24 days. This plan features 24 devotionals written by UPPERROOM to read alongside the Word. May your hearts and minds be awakened to fresh hunger for the words and presence of Jesus!
We would like to thank UPPERROOM for providing this plan. For more information, please visit: https://upperroom.co
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