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Overcome Porn: The 40 Day Challenge Sample

Overcome Porn: The 40 Day Challenge

DAY 28 OF 40

Day 28: Destroy porn by destroying shame

Fighting toxic shame is perhaps the greatest hurdle to getting real with someone and sharing our secrets. Deep down, we hate how far we've fallen, hate what it says about our character and our weaknesses, and hate the thought of what others would think of us if they knew.

For some of us, this prevents us from ever opening up to others. It prevents us from being 100% honest when we confess our sins and struggles.

Sadly, often the very shame that is keeping us from others is what is driving our obsession with porn.

The Bible sees a vital link between sexual sin and social shame. The apostle Paul said those whose lives are marked by sexual immorality and impurity commit these acts “in secret” (Ephesians 5:3,12). Paul likens this way of life as hiding in “darkness” (v.8, 11). Sexual sin seeks out dark corners to hide so its deeds are not exposed to God or to others (John 3:20).

Destroying porn habits starts when we choose to confront the shame we feel around it. We must choose to come out of hiding and build safeguards that prevent us from hiding again.

It’s hard to trust people with your secrets. People can always let you down. But the pain and risk of keeping the secret is greater than the risk of telling wise people who can possibly help you.

Here’s how to get going…

1. Safeguard Your Devices from Secrecy

Technology has not only become the easiest access point for pornography, it is also the easiest place to hide. Install Covenant Eyes Internet Accountability on every device you use. All your Internet activity will be tracked and compiled into an Accountability Report which is sent to your Accountability Partner. (You can get 30 days free when you sign up with the promocode YouVersion.)

2. Safeguard Your Heart from Toxic Shame

As we said already, shame is a normal response to sin. But shame becomes toxic when it is reinforced by the idea that we and our relationships are irreparable and irredeemable. We can fight this belief by creating for ourselves a circle of friends where we fight this false belief together.

About this Plan

Overcome Porn: The 40 Day Challenge

Overcome Porn is a 40 day program that helps you break free from the temptations of porn. Each day you'll learn how to run from porn, run to God, and run with somebody in pursuit of holiness. Covenant Eyes provides Internet Accountability software to help people bring openness and honesty to their Internet use. Use the code “YouVersion” when you sign up to get your first 30 days free.


We would like to thank Covenant Eyes for providing this plan. For more information, please visit: