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GLEANINGS - LeviticusSample

GLEANINGS - Leviticus

DAY 4 OF 15

What is the significance of the guilt offering?

The fifth and final offering was the asham, traditionally translated “Guilt Offering.” Unlike the English word “guilt” this does not refer to a matter of one’s conscience but rather to something one owes on account of a “sin.” (NKJV, trespass offering; HCSB, restitution offering). The guilt offering was for a sin that had done definitive damage to the tabernacle service or another person. Sins that have tangible financial damage required a guilt offering to be made.

The guilt offering uniquely emphasizes several principles about healing personal relationships that have been damaged by financial abuse.

1. Mere apology is not enough to right the wrong, and neither is full restoration for what was taken. In addition, something akin to today’s concept of punitive damages was added. But with guilt offerings—unlike court-ordered punitive damages—offenders willingly take on a share of the harm themselves, thereby sharing in the distress they caused the victim.

2. Doing all that is required to right a wrong against another person is not only fair for the offended, but it is also good for the offender. This offering expresses God’s mercy in that the pain and hurt is neutralized so as not to fester and erupt into violence or more serious offenses. It also extinguishes the need for the victim (or the victim’s family) to take matters into their own hands to exact restitution.

3. Nothing in Jesus’ atoning work on the cross releases the people of God today from the need for making restitution. Jesus taught his disciples, “So when you are offering your gift at the altar, if you remember that your brother or sister has something against you, leave your gift there before the altar and go; first be reconciled to your brother or sister, and then come and offer your gift” (Matt 5:23-24). Loving our neighbours as ourselves lies at the heart of the law’s requirements (Lev 19:18 as quoted in Rom 13:9), and making restitution is an essential expression of any genuine kind of love. Jesus granted salvation to the rich tax collector Zacchaeus who offered more restitution than the law required, lifting him up as an example of those who truly understood forgiveness (Luke 19:1-10).

4. Jesus’ words in Matthew 5:23-24 also teach us that doing everything in our power to reconcile with people is an essential aspect of getting things right with God and living in peace wherever possible. Receiving forgiveness from God goes beyond, but does not replace, our making restitution, where possible, to those whom we have harmed. In response to God’s forgiveness of us, our hearts are moved to do everything we can to reverse the harm we have caused to others. Seldom will we have the ability to fully undo the damage our sin has caused, yet the love of Christ impels us to do as much as we are able.

The guilt offering is a potent reminder that God does not exercise his right of forgiveness at the expense of people harmed by our misdeeds. He does not offer us psychological release from our guilt as a cheap substitute for making right the damage and hurt we have caused.

Sin often creates rifts between our brothers and sisters and as Christians, we’re called to make peace with one another and restore that which has been broken or lost.

Application Questions:

What practical steps can you take to mitigate the degree to which you are defiled by the corrupt society in which you live? How can you encourage your conscience to bring you to the point of confession and repentance and making restitutions?


It's Satan's delight to tell me that once he's got me, he will keep me. But at that moment I can go back to God. And I know that if I confess my sins, God is faithful and just to forgive me. - Alan Redpath


Lord, I thank You for helping me to understand the importance of restoration of fellowship in removing the guilt of sin from my life. I confess my sin to You. Help me to make the necessary amends to restore broken relationships. Amen.

Day 3Day 5

About this Plan

GLEANINGS - Leviticus

GLEANINGS is a one-year devotional through the Bible. Leviticus begins where Exodus left off. No sooner did the glory cloud come down to rest on the tabernacle in the concluding verses of Exodus, than God instructed Moses with the content in Leviticus which is a book about atonement. “The word kipper (“to make atonement”) is used almost fifty times in Leviticus.


We would like to thank Vijay Thangiah for providing this plan. For more information, please visit: