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GLEANINGS - LeviticusSample

GLEANINGS - Leviticus

DAY 8 OF 15

What is the significance of the regulations for the skin diseases?

The Bible uses literal skin diseases to symbolize a deeper problem, the spiritual problem of sin of how disgusting it is to God when we disobey Him, how disfiguring it is to our minds and bodies when we let sin twist us up, and how serious the consequences are – banishment from the community of God’s people and being left out of God’s blessings.

Leprosy is a vivid and graphic physical picture of the spiritual defilement of sin. Sin is ugly, loathsome, incurable, and contaminating; it separates men from God and makes them outcasts. The instructions given to the priests in Leviticus 13 help us understand the nature of sin: Sin is inside us, deeper than the skin (Leviticus 13:3); sin also spreads (Leviticus 13:8); sin always defiles and isolates (Leviticus 13:45-46); and just as leprous garments are fit only for the fire (Leviticus 13:52-57), so those who die clothed in sin will burn forever.

The process of detection was a prolonged and careful inspection. All of this has its counterpart in our own spiritual lives. The procedure the priest used was not that of impulsive judgment. He watched the development of the case for seven days (that is the number of perfection) until he understood the nature of it, and only then did he make his pronouncement.

There were four characteristics of leprosy, and each was very important and instructive. The first procedure was to examine any spot that was in the skin, in order to see what it was. Anyone with an outbreak brought it to the priest, just as we are to bring to one another these spiritual and soulish or emotional eruptions that we have within. (James 5:16)

The second was that if the spot was deeper than the skin it was leprous. Carried over into the spiritual realm this refers to that which is more than just the manifestation of a passing mood, a minor irritation of spirit. It is something which is more permanent, more characteristic of the individual, a prolonged attitude of irritability, of temper, impatience, bitterness, or resentment. These kinds of spots in the spiritual life are serious illnesses -- they are leprous.

A third mark of leprosy was the presence of raw flesh. Raw flesh is plainly and easily recognized. In Galatians 5:19 Paul says, "Now the works of the flesh are plain." Here they are: If immorality is present it is obviously of the flesh -- it is leprous -- or impurity, or licentiousness (all of these have to do with sexual sin), idolatry (the worship of something other than God), sorcery (or witchcraft), enmity, strife, jealousy, anger, selfishness, dissension, party spirit (breaking up into little factions and warring cliques), envy, drunkenness, carousing, and the like. These, Paul says, are raw flesh -- flesh in its obvious form -- it is leprous, and, therefore, very dangerous.

The fourth mark of leprosy was that it spread. That is, in the spiritual realm, it affects others within the body of believers. A bitter spirit can be as contagious as smallpox. A rebellious attitude can spread like an epidemic and turn everybody against each other and against the Lord's authority. If this occurs, then the one who began it is obviously afflicted with a leprous disease and is unclean in God's sight. The disease is dangerous and harmful to the individual and to the body of Christ in which he lives. So, it has to be dealt with quickly.

Application Questions:

1. What is your personal leprosy? Have you put your faith in Christ? If not, why not? Are you combining your hearing of the Word with faith? If not, what is stopping you? Do you apply the Word of God to all areas of your life? If not, why not?


“The Law cuts into the core of the evil, it reveals the seat of the malady, and informs us that the leprosy lies deep within." - Charles Spurgeon


Lord, I thank you for showing me how you view my sin as leprous. I am sorry for having defended and protected and excused it, not realizing that in so doing I have helped to spread it. Please forgive me, because cleansing comes only from You and help me to draw close to you, as you want me to. Amen.

Day 7Day 9

About this Plan

GLEANINGS - Leviticus

GLEANINGS is a one-year devotional through the Bible. Leviticus begins where Exodus left off. No sooner did the glory cloud come down to rest on the tabernacle in the concluding verses of Exodus, than God instructed Moses with the content in Leviticus which is a book about atonement. “The word kipper (“to make atonement”) is used almost fifty times in Leviticus.


We would like to thank Vijay Thangiah for providing this plan. For more information, please visit: