Romans Part 3 - LIFESample
Death in Adam, Life in Christ
The passage shows the contrast between Adam and Jesus Christ. On the one hand, God condemned Adam to suffer the sentence of death for the one trespass against God’s command: “ must not eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil…” (Genesis 2:17). This trespass resulted in the condemnation of all humanity.
On the other hand, God offers justification to all humanity, by one act of atonement. As “those who sin and fall short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23) realize that their sins are forgiven, they are justified, through faith in the One who was, and is, the atoning sacrifice for our sins.
We are still human; we can take on that old sin nature of Adam. One way we do this is when we remember former hurts and sins that we have done or that have been done to us. We forget that Jesus has taken on all that hurt and sin in our lives forever. We need to stop picking up that hurt and fully give it over to Jesus Christ. Let Him take on the burden that keeps weighing you down every day. Believe in Jesus Christ and leave that burden at the foot of the cross. Jesus can take it from you forever. We are truly forgiven and justified because of our faith in Jesus Christ. He is our Savior.
-Libby Cross
About this Plan
This plan is an invitation to the unashamed wonder and power of the gospel (Romans 1:16)! In this six-part series of plans, you will work verse by verse through the book of Romans. The Gospel tells us: "Jesus Changes Everything". Part III of Romans is helping us understand the new reality of Gospel LIFE for the believer who has embraced a LIFE of faith in Jesus as King.
We would like to thank Cornerstone Community Church for providing this plan. For more information, please visit: