Romans Part 3 - LIFESample
Adam’s Ruin and Christ’s Redemption
The Extravagant Abundance of God’s Grace is revealed in our reading for today. It is a timeless truth for all people. This Gospel message applies to every human, in every nation, breaking the barrier of time, past, present, and future.
Paul’s message is direct and to the point: Through the first Adam (the first human) of whom we all are descendants, sin entered and dominated all humanity. Because of this, we are condemned to death. It doesn’t matter how good or how bad we are. The verdict has already been handed down, and we have received the death penalty, through our forefather, Adam. “Sin reigned in death.” But, God sent His Son, that through the last Adam, Jesus, God would obliterate sin and the death sentence, through His living sacrifice. He took all humanity’s sin upon Himself. His death became our life. In Christ, grace liberated all humanity to new life; “grace reigns through righteousness.” As we were always dominated by sin because of Adam, in the same way, through faith in Christ, sin is always defeated by grace.
This is the greatest story ever told. Everyone should hear it, your friends, your family, your colleagues, and even your enemies.
Why is it so important?
Because Jesus destroyed the curse that was on all humanity.
Why is it relevant?
Because His grace is for all who will receive Him.
Do we know who will and who won’t receive Him?
Only God is all-knowing, all-powerful, and ever-present. Our part is to share the greatest story ever told.
Why is it so wonderful that we live under God’s grace?
We no longer are defeated by sin and death. Therefore, grace must be the filter by which we think, speak, and act, reflecting the love of our Savior, God’s own Son.
“And walk in love, as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us, a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God.” Ephesians 5:2
There's a true story of a very rich man who married later in life and had just one son. Shortly after his marriage, his wife fell sick and died. His son also died within just a few years of his wife's death. Finally, the rich man himself died, literally from a broken heart, according to historians. There was an auction to sell off his entire estate and a lot of people came to bid on his property and belongings. The auctioneer began by reading a clause in the will of the deceased, that the first thing to be sold would be a particular painting of this man's son. There wasn't anything necessarily special about the painting; no one was really interested in purchasing it. One of the maids of the rich man had known his son, and had known her master's love for him; she’d seen all the grief he had gone through, so she bid what she could on the painting. No one outbid her; she won the painting. The auctioneer then came up to the platform again. He banged his gavel and announced to everyone's surprise that the auction was now closed. He then began to read the rest of the will. As it turned out, the rich man had written in his will that the person who bought the painting of his son would also be given the entirety of his estate. Whoever gets the son, gets the fortune.
My dear friends, if you belong to Jesus Christ, this is exactly what is true for you. Whoever gets the Son, gets the fortune: “For as in Adam all die, so also in Christ all will be made alive.” (1 Corinthians 15:22)
Lisa Drainville
Reference: Jon Bonker, The Wonder of God’s Grace
About this Plan
This plan is an invitation to the unashamed wonder and power of the gospel (Romans 1:16)! In this six-part series of plans, you will work verse by verse through the book of Romans. The Gospel tells us: "Jesus Changes Everything". Part III of Romans is helping us understand the new reality of Gospel LIFE for the believer who has embraced a LIFE of faith in Jesus as King.
We would like to thank Cornerstone Community Church for providing this plan. For more information, please visit: