
The last thing that Jesus said to His disciples before He left the earth was ‘go into all the world and make disciples of all nations’. This last command that Jesus gave, became the main mission of the church around the world - DISCIPLESHIP.
The word ‘discipleship’ gets thrown around a lot, but what does it mean to go and make disciples? And what is a disciple in the first place? Put simply, a disciple is a follower of Jesus who lives their life based on what Jesus said and did.
The goal of a disciple is two-fold. Firstly, it’s to become more like Jesus, and secondly, it’s to make more disciples. The by-product of discipleship is disciples making disciples, who make more disciples. This ongoing cycle called discipleship, was God’s great strategy to reach and change the world.
And this is where you and I come into the picture. Jesus didn’t just die on a cross to save us from something, He died on the cross to invite us into something. Our personal story of redemption (or being saved from sin) is part of a bigger story of redemption for all of humanity. The moment that we were saved, we didn’t just find a home, or become part of a family; we joined an army. We take on a mission that is bigger than any individual, any church or any movement. And that mission is to see the ‘lost’ saved, and disciples made.
In fact, this is why it is called ‘The Great Commission’. ‘CO’ & ‘MISSION’, ‘co’ meaning together, and 'mission' meaning assignment. God allows us to partner with Him to achieve the mission that we were created for.
When we look at Jesus’ example, we see that Jesus made disciples in community. There was a sense of accountability, fellowship, growing together and loving one another. In John 13, Jesus says that the thing that identifies us as His disciples is shown by how we love each other. Everything that Jesus did was in relationship.
This is why relationship is so important in discipleship. Life is better when we do it together. In fact, the journey of faith was never meant to be done alone. The valleys become easier because you have someone to walk with, and the mountaintops become better because you have someone to celebrate with. This is why when you join a church, being a part of a connect group, and doing life and faith in community is key to your growth as a believer.
Now that we are saved, our mission in life is to see others saved as well. Matthew 10 reminds us that ‘freely we have received, so freely give’. We have been saved, so now we go and save others; we have been blessed, so now we go and bless others; we have been forgiven, so now we forgive others. What God has done in our lives, is not just for us, it is for others.
William Temple, a famous theologian and archbishop, once said that “The Church is the only institution, that exists primarily for the benefit of those who are not its members.” When we understand that the church exists to reach others, love others, serve others, and disciple others, then we become the church that God intended.
The temptation can be to go to church for all the things it does for us. The expansive community, the overwhelming support, the incredible music, and the inspiring teaching. But the church was not created to turn believers into consumers, but to turn believers into disciple-makers.
The truth is that there are so many churchgoers, and not many Christ-followers. So many people attending a church on a Sunday, but not living for God from Monday through to Saturday. Jesus reminds us that to truly become a disciple means to deny yourself, take up your cross, and follow Him. That means laying down our own desires, our own opinions, and our own agendas to pick up His perfect plan for our lives.
There is no greater decision you will ever make than to give up your life, for the One who gave up His life for you. Living for something bigger than yourself is why we exist - that is discipleship.
Dear God, thank You for giving me purpose and for dying in my place. Thank You for having a plan for my life all along. Help me love others the way You do. Help me stay on mission, not living for myself but for others. Give me the confidence to share my testimony and help me lead others into a life of following You. In the Name of Jesus, I pray. Amen.
About this Plan

Are you new to faith? Do you want to know more about Christianity? This devotional is designed to give you an introduction to some of the fundamental beliefs of the faith. Building your faith on the right foundations is the key to your journey in Christ. We pray this 7-day devotional will help give you a better understanding of faith and help lay some strong foundations in your life.
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