40 Days of Spiritual RebootSample

Today we wrap up our theme on Spiritual warfare. Try to recollect all the major tasks involved in Spiritual warfare as covered in the last four days. Review them from time to time. Learn to remind yourself that ‘we wrestle not against flesh and blood’. People aren’t out to rob your joy, irritate you or ruin your day. We do that to ourselves…on our own. And we are responsible for our joy and success. Even Satan himself isn’t always the reason, however he does goad us so that we give up on God’s plan and purposes for our lives. And we often times happily volunteer. So let's take responsibility, Gird our loins for action and become alert as the scriptures encourage us to do.
As I close today I want to touch on one last area which is the battle line of Spiritual warfare. The bible teaches us that Satan has organised his forces area-wise and has delegated power to princes and emissaries. This is not common knowledge but as one studies the bible and the history of God’s people we begin to realise the spirit realm is far more organised and agenda-driven than casper the friendly ghost, Haunted homes and televisions fascination with the paranormal. The fact is it's real and it's organised. Satan was cherubim who fell from grace but is just as smart, organised and powerful as God created him. Just that now he opposes God. Two truths we need to understand is that He is a creature like the rest of us, even if he’s powerful. And second, he is a defeated foe from the moment that Jesus opened his eyes in the grave. His power through sin and death are broken and believers have a clear shot at victory ‘in the flesh’. If you don’t get what i’m saying at this point, tuck it away in your memory. One day this will suddenly ‘all make sense’.
So taking this as encouragement, we launch a counter attack on the powers of the wicked one through prayer. Satan opposes. Yes. But what? He cannot oppose God the Holy Spirit. He cannot fight believers, they are in-dwelt with the Holy Spirit. So he can only battle the angels that are ministering spirits (Hebrews 1:14) and oppose their execution of the will of God. This at best can cause delays but not the demise of God’s purposes.
This is where we come in. Prayer and praise are the fuel for angels. The devil cannot function when God’s people worship and pray. Prayer breaks the bondages of sin. Sickness and mental illness can no more be used by Satan to bring low the people of God. There is victory in the name of Jesus and power in the blood of the lamb. We break down strongholds that have held us captive before. We bind the devil with chains that won’t let go. With the confidence of warring angels, we put on the armour of God and we stand! We declare the high praises of God unleashed by a shout of victory.
This is why church is important. Praise is crucial and Prayer is non negotiable. Believers that are prayer-less, praise-less and keep missing church for every carnal reason are weak!!!!!! And they don’t realise that they play the whole body of Christ into the hands of the wicked one and give him a foothold through their ignorance and carnality. So there is a lot of territory to be reclaimed. If you’re feeling guilty right now or think I’m talking about you, stop it… wise up… just get with the program and and get on board. It's not too late. Like I said. Satan is a defeated foe and we are going to win anyway.
This brings me to our counter attack. If Satan has deployed his forces area-wise then we need to plant churches in every area as a counter attack and we need to pray over every area. Please Please please do not take Satan. God has not called you to fight demons. You’re a 5/6 feet tall flesh and blood mortal who freaks out when a mosquito flies past. Please leave the fighting to the angels. But here is what you do have. You have the name of Jesus and the power of direct access to God in prayer. As we drive through neighbourhoods; pray over the city, the homes, the people. Pray against sickness and demonic oppression. Bind Satan by asking God to unleash His angels and take back whats rightfully His. Assert your God-given authority and Gods presence as his child and saint there in that place. Be the threat! Resist the devil and he will flee.
Let me say a few things about religions. A religion is mans heartfelt, sincere effort to know his creator, fall in line with the purposes of the universe and live for a better cause. Don’t knock other religions. Don’t treat other religious people like the enemy. Don’t condemn and judge sincere faith, as misguided as you might think it is. Remember that we were created to worship. So every expression of man in worship and ceremony is a proof of that very thing.
Satan, the world- systems and the flesh are the true enemy. Satan has a hold on these three. And we can break that hold through prayer and praise.
Romans 16:19 For your obedience is known to all, so that I rejoice over you, but I want you to be wise as to what is good and innocent as to what is evil. 20 The God of peace will soon crush Satan under your feet. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you.
In a sincere prayer if you are so led to do right now. Renounced carnality and the power of the flesh and resolve to live in the power of the Spirit. Commit to being the threat. Commit to asserting your spiritual presence wherever you go.
"Satan has no authority here in this place. He has no authority here. For this habitation was fashioned for the Lords presence. No authority here."
About this Plan

A 40 day journey of Spiritual renewal through the lent.
We would like to thank Covenant Life for providing this plan. For more information, please visit: https://www.jeremydawson.org/
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