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40 Days of Spiritual RebootSample

40 Days of Spiritual Reboot

DAY 15 OF 40

Today is the last day we are focusing on the discipline of fasting. I trust you will not let this go but stick to a plan, download an app, double up with a friend and make it happen for you until you see the wonderful fruit of fasting.

One of the most important times to fast is before you make decisions or pick a direction for your life, ministry, child's future or anything of eternal outcome. This is important because of the effect fasting has on the mind and emotions. You’re putting your matter before God so that this decision is not made in haste or under the control of an emotion (fear or enthusiasm). You need his wisdom and foresight on this, so you’re in prayer for this matter. You’re asking God for the longevity of this decision. It should be a good decision over time and it should stand the test of time. You’re asking God for a decision that would be good despite the unseen and unknown circumstances and changes that will come along with way. You’re depending on God’s foresight. By doing this you’re being humble because you’re admitting your ignorance of the future and your total dependency. You’re not being over confident about how you think your life will turn out. You’re not putting your faith and hope in your money, health or circumstances. Thats good!

A second important time to fast is when you have sinned and it has cost you badly. Reconciliation with God and with people you have sinned against is important. But one of the things we learn in the bible is a period of humbling one self. No… fasting is not punishing yourself. But in modern day terms… how does one express remorse and repentance? In the old days it was sack cloth and ashes. I just think there needs to be a modern day equivalent of major humility after major failure. Yes, God has forgiven and second chances are available. But do we just shrug it off, dust our shoulders and carry on like it never happened? How do we mark seasons of failure that have been covered by the grace of God? Let's think more on this. Don’t let go of what I’m saying.

A third and most important place of fasting is for the breaking of bondages. Jesus claimed this very thing as his ministry. In Christ’s five-fold ministry as he read from Isaiah in the synagogue, he said that he had come to set the captives free. As he went across the sea of Galilee to gentile territory, he set a man free from a legion of demons. When his disciples failed at delivering a demon possessed person, Jesus said, this can only be done with fasting and prayer.

So we can sing and praise and preach and present all we want. But if a person is in the grip of the wicked one, nothing is effective or useful until Satan‘s grip has been broken and the person set free. This ministry of deliverance which should be every believers ministry cannot be done without fasting and prayer, Jesus says.

All of us have people in our care and community who are under Satan‘s bondage. Some in sexual behaviour, some in substance abuse, some in the cycle of debt, some in bitterness and self pity, some in fear and yet others in actual demon possession. God is at work and nothing is impossible with God. But to undermine the influence and authority of the devil here on earth is misguided. He is the prince of the power of the air. BUT… He who is in me is greater than he who is in the world. Therefore we take every thought captive in the name of Jesus. We take people and situations to God in prayer and we fast and break the power of the wicked one over our loved ones and those caught in Satans trap. Many will come to faith when they can. The truth is they can’t. And compassion dictates that we, the people of God, pray people out of the clutches of the wicked one and into the arms of the Holy one.

Can I tell you a secret? Fasting will make you fearless. Because fasting gives you power over satan, the world and the flesh. And when you know he can’t get you in the flesh, he can’t entice you through the world and he can’t scare you with his legions… he then becomes scared of YOU! Now you’re the threat!

And when you’re fearless… you’re unstoppable.

Imagine a church full of fearless people. Untouchable by the wicked one. Unrestrained by the ‘self’. Unleashed by the Spirit.

Satan!!!!!!! Go to hell!!!!!


JOHN 16:32-33

…32“Look, an hour is coming and has already come when you will be scattered, each to his own home, and you will leave Me all alone. Yet I am not alone, because the Father is with Me. 33 I have told you these things so that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take courage; I have overcome the world!”

1 CORINTHIANS 15:56 - 58

…56The sting of death is sin, and the power of sin is the Law. 57But thanks be to God, whogives us the victory through our Lord JesusChrist! 58Therefore, my beloved brothers, be steadfast and immovable. Always excel in the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain.…


What will it take for you to want spiritual dominance over Satan, the world and your flesh? Think. Pray. Resolve.

Think through if there is something in your own life that needs a major breakthrough. Consider fasting and praying for victory.

This is your turning point.

Day 14Day 16