Wait, Watch, Worship: A Lent DevotionalSample

Wonder (from earth to glory)
Tuesday – 33 days before Easter
Matthew 17:1-9
In just a few words, verse 2 of this story tries to describe what must certainly have been an indescribable moment for Peter, James, and John. Jesus, their close friend and teacher, the son of a carpenter, a man who experienced hunger and tiredness, was changed from a normal earthly appearance to something that was unlike anything they’d seen before. Words cannot convey the wonder of that moment. The gospel writers tell us that Jesus’ face shone like the sun and his clothes were as bright as light. How is that possible? What does that mean? As you read the story today, reflect on the wonder and majesty of Jesus, who though fully human is also fully divine — indescribably and breathtakingly glorious beyond what we can understand or imagine. How does Jesus’ divine glory shape your experience and understanding of him?
About this Plan

From Ash Wednesday through Easter Sunday, this devotional plan reflects on the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ, tracing the themes such as wait, wonder, watch, and worship. Each week focuses on a specific Biblical story (Sunday-Friday) and ends with a Psalm (Saturday). Holy Week traces the final scenes and events of Jesus' life, crucifixion, and resurrection.
We would like to thank Young Life for providing this plan. For more information, please visit: https://discipleship.younglife.org
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