Wait, Watch, Worship: A Lent DevotionalSample

Wonder (from earth to glory)
Thursday – 31 days before Easter
Matthew 17:1-9
In the midst of Jesus’ glorious transfiguration, Peter speaks without thinking, as he so often does. He sees three very un-human figures and says something like this: “This is wonderful! This is amazing! I’ll make three small shelters for you wonderful, glorious, amazing, heavenly creatures!”
Do you see the irony? When things are wonderful beyond words, Peter tries to box things up into simple words and constricting shelters. Perhaps the vision of Jesus was more than he could handle. Perhaps he was frightened by the wonder and glory. What better way to respond (if you’re Peter) than to try and tame things, contain things, and minimize things. Mark’s gospel says that Peter spoke these words because he didn’t know what else to say (Mark 9:6). As you read today, think about times when Jesus has overwhelmed you with his power, glory, and wonder. How did you respond? How do you sometimes try to tame, contain, and minimize his power and glory? How can you instead revel and rest in it?
About this Plan

From Ash Wednesday through Easter Sunday, this devotional plan reflects on the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ, tracing the themes such as wait, wonder, watch, and worship. Each week focuses on a specific Biblical story (Sunday-Friday) and ends with a Psalm (Saturday). Holy Week traces the final scenes and events of Jesus' life, crucifixion, and resurrection.
We would like to thank Young Life for providing this plan. For more information, please visit: https://discipleship.younglife.org
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