Theology for Everybody: RomansSample

Do you know what our world needs? Power. Our world doesn’t have power. Humans caused the problems, and only God can supply the power to overcome them. His is the power for salvation, redemption, and deliverance "to everyone who believes." It doesn’t matter who you are, how bad you’ve been, or what you’ve done.
Paul came to deliver the news about Jesus "to the Jew first." Jesus was Himself Jewish, and the foundation of our faith started in the Old Testament with the Jewish people in the nation of Israel. However, it is “also for the Greek,” or those of us who are non-Jewish. This is a major theme: “For in it,” Paul says, “the righteousness of God is revealed from faith to faith. As it is written,” Paul quotes from Habakkuk 2:4, “The righteous shall live by his faith.”
God is the maker of heaven and earth. You are not here by chance or accident. He designed, decreed, and providentially placed you here. God made you in His image and likeness. He loves you. He bestowed on you dignity, value, and worth. God placed you, as a human being, above the rest of creation and lower life forms, including pets and animals. He made you to live in relationship with Him. God made you to receive revelation from Him. He made you to listen, obey, and serve Him.
Every person has sinned and rebelled against this God. We have declared war against Him. Our Creator, God, had every right to instantaneously terminate all life on the earth and be done with us. We need to recognize that He owes us nothing. We’re not merely undeserving; we are ill-deserving—we deserve ill. Yet God does not give us what we deserve. He, in His great and incredible love, came down into human history as the God-man Jesus Christ. Our eternal God, who is a Spirit, entered His created world and took upon Himself human flesh. He came down and humbled Himself to seek, serve, and save you. God in Christ preaches nothing but love, forgiveness, and truth. He does nothing wrong in either word or deed. Jesus’ heart and motives are always and only pure.
What was our response to God’s gracious gift of His Son Jesus? We hated, despised, and opposed Him. We harassed the Lord of the universe, arrested Him, and murdered Him as though He were a criminal. And at that moment, God died in our place to pay the price for our sins. He substituted Himself on the cross of Jesus Christ. The death Jesus died is the death you really deserve. He suffered the punishment you have earned. God’s wrath was poured out on Him when it should have been poured out on you. This is the reason we love Jesus. It's why we preach the cross of Jesus Christ. For this cause, we must understand the bad news that we are sinners before we can ever receive the Good News that Jesus is our Savior. They laid Jesus’ lifeless body in a tomb, but three days later, He roared back to life, conquered sin, Satan, death, and hell, and satisfied the wrath of God. Jesus ascended back into heaven, where He is at this moment, alive and well. Angels are worshipping Him right now. Saints who have died surround Jesus. He hears prayers, saves souls, alters destinies, and controls history's moves. One day soon, He will come back, plant His foot on the earth, and declare every inch “Mine!” Everything will be under His rule. All will know that Jesus Christ is Lord. That's what we must preach and proclaim.
Here’s what I want you to know: this same Jesus is available to you. He will love you, forgive you, and enter into a relationship with you. You may have a lot of problems, but your first and greatest problem is the relational problem God has with you. Have you given Jesus your sin and received His forgiveness? Have you given Jesus your condemnation and received His salvation? Have you given Jesus your life to receive His new life? This is the Good News of Jesus Christ.
We cannot be ashamed of the gospel of Jesus Christ! The nations need Jesus. The political parties need Jesus. The poor need Jesus. The rich need Jesus. Those who are white and non-white need Jesus. Those who are pre-born and born need Jesus. Everyone needs Jesus. Our hope is Jesus. Our righteousness is Jesus. Our authority is Jesus. Our Savior is Jesus. Our King is Jesus. If you believe in Him, there’s no reason to be ashamed of Him.
Today’s Reflection
Why do you think some people—including believers—act ashamed of the gospel?
About this Plan

After Pastor Mark got saved in his college dorm room reading the book of Romans, this 365-day devotional is the culmination of more than 30 years of studying this incredible book. Chapter-by-chapter, verse-by-verse, this book digs into topics covered in the great book of Romans, such as justification, grace, predestination, legalism, deconstruction, and more.
We would like to thank Mark Driscoll for providing this plan. For more information, please visit:
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