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Daily PresenceSample

Daily Presence

DAY 154 OF 365

I’m not one of these guys who can quit things gradually. I’ve tried it before with sugar and it goes something like this: “I’m going to quit eating packages of Oreos. Tonight, I’ll have a limit of two.” After two Oreos my mind starts talking to me, “Did you even eat enough to have a proper taste? Do you even know if it was good? Try three more.” Unfortunately, the little red devil sitting on my shoulder wins the argument.

If I’m going to quit it has to be a 100% commitment with no liberties, cheat meals, or limited quantities whatsoever. It’s all or nothing.

In Job 31 we’re confronted with a man who’s pleading his innocence in the face of walking through really difficult circumstances. As he begins his case Job declares, “I made a covenant with my eyes not to look with lust at a young woman.” The guts of his pleading innocence rest upon this covenant. The word used for covenant literally means to cut through flesh. In other words, Job is saying, “I’d cut my eyes out before I looked at something that compromised my integrity before God.” Job’s determination fires me up with inspiration! It’s reminiscent of Jesus instructing, “If your eyes cause you to sin, pluck them out.”

What covenants do you need to make with yourself before God? “I’ll cut my arm off before I touch that again.” Or, “I’ll cut my leg off before I go to that place again.” The grace to forgive us for these broken covenants comes from Christ’s blood shed on the cross, and the power to keep the covenants before God comes from the Holy Spirit, but the initial commitment and resolve must come from us. Take a moment in reflection today and make some new covenants before God.

I’ll get you started… “I’ll cut my ____________ off before I _____________ again.”

Embrace grace, walk-in power, and covenant with yourself.

Day 153Day 155