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Daily PresenceSample

Daily Presence

DAY 156 OF 365

How many of you typically bow your head and pray before you eat? What about when you’re at a restaurant with a group of other Christians? Praying before a meal is a really sweet sentiment but I wonder how often our intention is to bless the Lord and how often it is to look like decent Christians! My parents were real sticklers for praying before dinner. I can still recite the prayer my father said every time we would sit down together as a family. Thanks Dad :)

He taught me to honor the Lord before a meal but somehow along the way I started believing if I didn’t bless a meal, I’d be punished with food poisoning! I honestly have no idea where this thought came from, but it certainly scared me into taking my meal-time prayers seriously! I treated it as if the observance was some type of required sacrament necessary for salvation.

By now I’ve come to understand my misguided thoughts and I’ve thankfully discovered the roots of the fear I held onto so tightly. I believed that I was in control of God’s wrath. I also believed He was as petty as giving me food poisoning as a means to keep my prayer life in check. Oh the mind of a child! So simple but so incorrect in this situation. I hear Job making pleas to God and I’m reminded of this same incorrect thinking.

Our good deeds do not equal blessing, and our adherence to legalism does not keep us from struggling. Even so, we look at our negative circumstances and ask God “why?” As if our actions should have bought us comfort and blessing from on high. As if our faith is a transactional relationship with the truest goal being our own happiness. This is not how God works. He is far greater than us, beyond what we can fathom. Questioning and pleading with Him has no grounding because we are simply just men at the end of the day. Our blessing is in His mercy, not in our actions. Our comfort is in His peace, not in our preparation.

Day 155Day 157