Praise In the Presence of GodSample

Pray Now
Why do we get so busy at everything other than prayer? Why do we say so often, “Well, I’ve prayed, but what can I do?”
Begin to pray and praise immediately when challenging situations arise. Start now.
Speak to Jesus about each matter that begins to trouble you. Don’t wait.
Cease from the exhausting toil of carrying worries and cares on your shoulders. Release them.
Seize every opportunity to pray with and for people.
Get alone with the Savior—in the Word and in prayer.
Moments with Majesty
Why do we get so busy at everything other than prayer? Why do we say so often, “Well, I’ve prayed, but what can I do?”
Begin to pray and praise immediately when challenging situations arise. Start now.
Speak to Jesus about each matter that begins to trouble you. Don’t wait.
Cease from the exhausting toil of carrying worries and cares on your shoulders. Release them.
Seize every opportunity to pray with and for people.
Get alone with the Savior—in the Word and in prayer.
Moments with Majesty
About this Plan

Pastor Jack Hayford points the way to the life-changing pathway of praise. No matter how you feel, praise will shape what your experiences will become. When doubts come, praise God that His Word will never fail you. When fears taunt, praise God that His presence never leaves you. When questions arise, praise God that His wisdom holds every answer. Praise leads you to the One who assures peace beyond strife, hope beyond trial, joy beyond sorrow, and life beyond all.
We would like to thank Pastor Jack Hayford for providing this devotional. For more information, please visit: