Praise In the Presence of GodSample

Life and Power
It wasn’t an earthquake that rolled the massive stone from the doorway of the tomb. It was an angel. And it wasn’t to let Jesus out, because He had already vacated the premises! The Resurrection was already history, and the mighty angel threw open that door to show an empty tomb.
And that empty tomb boldly declares that if death has been conquered, there is nothing that can ultimately defeat you. Whatever would press in upon you, whatever insistent voices might whisper words of doubt and despair in your ear, you may take your stand at the open door. With an empty tomb behind you, you may say with confidence, “By the resurrection power of Jesus Christ, nothing can ever defeat me!”
Glorious Morning!
It wasn’t an earthquake that rolled the massive stone from the doorway of the tomb. It was an angel. And it wasn’t to let Jesus out, because He had already vacated the premises! The Resurrection was already history, and the mighty angel threw open that door to show an empty tomb.
And that empty tomb boldly declares that if death has been conquered, there is nothing that can ultimately defeat you. Whatever would press in upon you, whatever insistent voices might whisper words of doubt and despair in your ear, you may take your stand at the open door. With an empty tomb behind you, you may say with confidence, “By the resurrection power of Jesus Christ, nothing can ever defeat me!”
Glorious Morning!
About this Plan

Pastor Jack Hayford points the way to the life-changing pathway of praise. No matter how you feel, praise will shape what your experiences will become. When doubts come, praise God that His Word will never fail you. When fears taunt, praise God that His presence never leaves you. When questions arise, praise God that His wisdom holds every answer. Praise leads you to the One who assures peace beyond strife, hope beyond trial, joy beyond sorrow, and life beyond all.
We would like to thank Pastor Jack Hayford for providing this devotional. For more information, please visit: