Come and SeeSample

The world has much to say about how to gather followers. Having the right look,
expressing the popular opinion, and keeping people entertained are some of the ways to build a
platform. If the goal of Jesus had been popularity and status, then He could have built an
impressive following for Himself. With the right performance, He could have been a celebrity
teacher, loved and admired by all. But Jesus didn’t play by these rules. He constantly chose
privacy over publicity, holiness over approval, and His Father’s glory over His own. Each step of
His earthly ministry was contrary to what people expected.
As a result, the people were greatly divided over who He was and whether they should
believe in Him. Was He a good man or a liar? A lunatic or Messiah? And in the thousands of
years since then, the question of “Who is Jesus?” has continued to be the subject of much debate
and division. But those who truly listen to His words hear the clarity of Truth that rings forth.
At the Feast of Tabernacles, Jesus spoke to the divided crowd in a way that seemed to
answer the confusion with, “Who else could I be?” Who else could teach with such authority and
wisdom? Who else could perform such miraculous signs? Who else could live a life without sin?
Who else endlessly sought to honor His Father?
People tend to quickly judge what they don’t understand. Assumptions are easily made
based on distance and unfamiliarity with no grounding on what is righteous and true. Yet every
action and word of Jesus consistently demonstrated the character and power of Almighty God. If
someone truly seeks Him, the evidence is clear.
In the book of Matthew, Jesus asked His disciples, “Who do you say I am?” The response
of Peter rings true: “You are the Christ, the Son of the Living God.” This is the truth we put our
faith in.
There is no middle ground and no passive stance when it comes to the person of Jesus. A
side must be picked. Choose wisely who you will follow.
Read John 7
At Christmas, we celebrate how Jesus came as Immanuel, “God with us.” His presence means that He hears us. Make a list of people who still have not decided to follow Jesus. Pray for them every day until Christmas.
About this Plan

Stories of the nativity are important, but the story of why Jesus came should involve so much more than a manger scene. Focusing on one chapter a day through the book of John will reveal the beauty of who Christ is and why His birth was so important. In the flurry of Christmas, keep your eyes on Him. Come and see why Jesus is our greatest gift.
We would like to thank RADIANT for providing this plan. For more information, please visit:
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